Dinner and a little x box to go with! Dinner was fantastic, My boyfriend is such a good cook. While we were setting up the X Box ( 'Fro let us borrow it) i was sitting the games on the counter and saw a note jeff wrote. More of a list of things to do that day. At the bottom i snuck a peek and it said "get Tiff a birthday present" My birthday is July 29th, a week from this comming friday. At first we were going to go camping. Then we changed our minds, and now we're going to the boat. We'll probably get all fancy shmancy and go to dinner beforehand, then go gamblin after. Jeremy at work was telling me to play roulette but i told him id probably stick to slots, since i dont have a clue how to gamble anyways. WH@, got side tracked...back to the bottom of the note...now my minds been working overtime trying to think of what he is going to get me. I already know my mom is getting me new tires, how practical, lol. My dad might send me money, then again he might not. My brother, i dont think he can spare any money considering his newborn. I have no clue what Jeff will get me, but im anxious now. Im excited for turning 21. Now i just need to get a day job. Speaking of jobs, i was asleep most of the day, but Target called me at like 10am. I filledout an application at Target Sunday. Anyways, they called me at 10 asking if i wanted to get some hours this week. So Im going to sleep for a bit and then call them in the morning and ask if there is some sort of training or anything or what all i need to do and what exactly i will be doing if i just show up. Because i applied either for the sales floor or for a cashier, neither of which i would be doing by myself first day...at least i wouldnt think so. Must call them. Must get sleep. Like 3 people i grew up with around my neighborhood are working at UPS now. Its insane...ok sleeep time