I hate the morons at my job. They just reek of stupidity. Dorothy, as always, stacked shit all over the main roller. So i was taking things off and placing them on my belt. Her belt was completely empty. Rather than doing what everyone else was doing and pull stuff onto her own belt, she felt the need to work off of my roller belt. After the second box, i asked her "Cant you pull stuff onto your own belt?" and she gave me this stoopid look and kept working on my belt. So a few minutes later she left (her and dana have a knack for taking 30 minute 'walk around' breaks. While she was gone, i stacked damn near everything on the main roller onto her belt. when she got back she just started putting stuff on the shelves without even looking it up. She didnt help me set out releases the entire night either. She hasnt helped me at all this week. Fucking bitch. Then Andre (my full time sup) came over to me and was tryng to get nasty with me about setting thigns to release. The only question he asked me that i remember was "Why would you do that?" I almost laughed directly in his face when he asked me that. Then i said "Well, when i started here, they told me that for any package that has a shipment number released, but the tracking number isnt, to go ahead and release the package." He gave me this look like i had some how started speaking german to him or something. He is the biggest idiot ive seen in a management position. I mean, how the fuck did he get his job? All he does is sit around with his thumb up his ass all night. Fucking moron....Im so stressed. But i got a nice large paycheck tonight, so id better get some sleep. I have to get up and go cash my paycheck, then go to the credit union and deposit some money from this check my dad wrote me for my birthday i guess. Then i will probably hit up the fabric store.
does this dana have blonde hair and big tits? you're talking about third shift UPS right?
can i have your sup's job?