*sighs* people never cease to amaze me. Especially the crazy ones. Tonight at work, things were going swell. Everyone in our area was getting along and laughing and acting silly and it was cool. Me and dorothy took our regular break @ 1:30. On my way inside, i stopped in the bathroom because i thought i might have sat in something outside. When i was walking into the bathroom, Anna was in there. I even said hi, but the moron didnt acknowledge me. I looked at my ass in the mirror and when i saw that there was nothign there, i left the bathroom and went back to my area. About 10 minutes later, i hear someone calling my name. I look up and Anna is notioning for me to come over to where she and Tim(my sup) were. I thought "oh great, what is this about." So when i went to where they were, she started bolting and screaming at me...."You make me nervous. You're following me, and stalking me and i dont feel comfortable around you!" Tim yells at her to shut up. Meanwhile i know i was giving her the look of death hidden behind a smirk and a loud cynical laugh. what the fuck is that? i thought to myself. Tim told me to go back to my computer, and as i was walking back, EVERYONE could tell that i was confused and pissed off. So immediately Shonda and Jeremy, Dana and Dorothy came over and asked what was going on. Then i told them what the idiot said and they all looked at me and asked "what the fuck??" Yeah, i dunno. I knew the bitch was crazy, but damn she's bold! So a few minutes later i see tim walking by and grab him and ask him what that was all about. Then he told me that she gets that way with people ever so often. She was like that with Dorothy a few months ago, and now i guess shes trying to find a new target. I told tim that i wanted to file a complaint with Human Resources immediately. So our HR rep Regina came over and we went outside and i explained the whole situation to her. I think its ridiculously funny that less than a week ago, i was over there doing her job for her, and helping her with her work, and now she has the audacity to make accusations like that. So my complaint was noted, but i have to turn in my Write Up to them tomorrow night and then the whole complaint will be filed. She may think that it was cute and fun to randomly accuse me of stalking her, but like they say "you play with fire and you'll get burned." You dont fuck with me. I will dominate you. I have a goddamned college degree. Fuck the crazy shit. Im not the one to be on bad terms with.
"life's a bitch and I'm one of her kids..."
Do NOT fuckwith me, you will regret it. Soon and very soon she will regret starting bullshit with me. I work tomorrow night, and so does she. Im hoping that she says something to me. They have warned her 2 times(they being my HR rep, and my sup Tim). They said that if she comes near me and says ANYTHING AT ALL, i am to immediately call and report it to my HR rep. I cant remember what she said will happen, but i know it will be enough for her to realize that she's fucked with the wrong one.
*end rant*
On a better note, Jeff and i talked tonight before i left for work and we have things straightened out and we no longer have the no label thing. And he said that he gets really nervous because of past relationships because he has very strong feelings towards me and he doesnt want anything bad to happen. I admitted pretty much the same thing. But i also told him that
a) im not a cheater
b) i know what i want, and i want to be with him
c) i really care for him and refuse to hurt him
So yeah, back on the up and ups. We're supposed to hunt for yard sales later in the morn, and then we're going to pull the tents outa and set them up and see how big they are, and let them air out. Then we find out when we are going to go camping. He told me tonight on the way to Krogers that he requested off for my birthday. He wanted to surprise me, but that didnt work out, lol. I still have no idea what im going to do for my birthday, so anyone reading this who might have suggestions, hit me up!!!!
******(im addicted to the Reggaeton radio station on yahoo messenger!)*******
"life's a bitch and I'm one of her kids..."
Do NOT fuckwith me, you will regret it. Soon and very soon she will regret starting bullshit with me. I work tomorrow night, and so does she. Im hoping that she says something to me. They have warned her 2 times(they being my HR rep, and my sup Tim). They said that if she comes near me and says ANYTHING AT ALL, i am to immediately call and report it to my HR rep. I cant remember what she said will happen, but i know it will be enough for her to realize that she's fucked with the wrong one.
*end rant*
On a better note, Jeff and i talked tonight before i left for work and we have things straightened out and we no longer have the no label thing. And he said that he gets really nervous because of past relationships because he has very strong feelings towards me and he doesnt want anything bad to happen. I admitted pretty much the same thing. But i also told him that
a) im not a cheater
b) i know what i want, and i want to be with him
c) i really care for him and refuse to hurt him
So yeah, back on the up and ups. We're supposed to hunt for yard sales later in the morn, and then we're going to pull the tents outa and set them up and see how big they are, and let them air out. Then we find out when we are going to go camping. He told me tonight on the way to Krogers that he requested off for my birthday. He wanted to surprise me, but that didnt work out, lol. I still have no idea what im going to do for my birthday, so anyone reading this who might have suggestions, hit me up!!!!
******(im addicted to the Reggaeton radio station on yahoo messenger!)*******
that bitch is crazzy with 2 z's.