So i was talking to adema on AIM yesterday morning and she told me that she's obsessed with my mouth. I was so embarassed yet very flattered. I guess i just cant really take compliments well. I think my lips(as well as my nose, and my thighs) are a bit big, lol. Oh well as long as they make someone else happy, especially her *drools* then i like em! I got accepted to be a Bluegrass Babe. Its exciting! I got their email a few moments ago. After i get done updating here i have to go register and all that on their site. It should be loads of fun. But i think i need to take more pictures to send for my page there...UPDATES ON THAT WILL BE COMMING! YAY!
My plan for today/tomrrow:
* clean car
* take doggie to the vet
* pay cellphone bill
* finish laundry
* make 2 new outfits
I need to talk to Jeff very soon. I know he said that he has a lot going on with him right now and that he needs to get his priorities together, but i need to know what he and i are. I mean, its really bugged me. I was talking to a friend of mine about it and he said this "its a lame excuse. Its like hes keeping you aboard until he can find someone different or better then he'll kick you to the curb." Thats what i have been wondering about a lot lately with this whole no label relationship. He wants everything to be the same, but doesnt want to label it. That just doesnt make sense to me. Its like he is ashaimed to call me his girlfriend. Thats a load of shit. We've been "together" for almost 4 months. This didnt come about until after we were into the 3rd month. Why the sudden change, thats what i would like to know. Why all of a sudden you dont want to tell anyone that you are dating someone, particularly me? I just want to be filled in as to what is really going on. If he doesnt want to be with me anymore, okay. It will hurt me, of course. But i will get over it. Its just like ive been left out of the loop and i dont like feeling left out. Next time i talk to him i will bring it all up and see what he says. *shrugs* i just want to know what is really going on with him and how he truly feels towards me.
My plan for today/tomrrow:
* clean car
* take doggie to the vet
* pay cellphone bill
* finish laundry
* make 2 new outfits
I need to talk to Jeff very soon. I know he said that he has a lot going on with him right now and that he needs to get his priorities together, but i need to know what he and i are. I mean, its really bugged me. I was talking to a friend of mine about it and he said this "its a lame excuse. Its like hes keeping you aboard until he can find someone different or better then he'll kick you to the curb." Thats what i have been wondering about a lot lately with this whole no label relationship. He wants everything to be the same, but doesnt want to label it. That just doesnt make sense to me. Its like he is ashaimed to call me his girlfriend. Thats a load of shit. We've been "together" for almost 4 months. This didnt come about until after we were into the 3rd month. Why the sudden change, thats what i would like to know. Why all of a sudden you dont want to tell anyone that you are dating someone, particularly me? I just want to be filled in as to what is really going on. If he doesnt want to be with me anymore, okay. It will hurt me, of course. But i will get over it. Its just like ive been left out of the loop and i dont like feeling left out. Next time i talk to him i will bring it all up and see what he says. *shrugs* i just want to know what is really going on with him and how he truly feels towards me.

what are the Bluegrass babes?