Today was a good day. Jeff and i went thrifting and got his tire fixed, so now his car doesnt wabble! We spent nearly 2 hours at Ken Towery and they didnt even get to his car, so we went somewhere else and got it done in 10 minutes. YAY. Which reminds me...i need to put oil in my car PRONTO b/c when i was pulling into the driveway, i noticed smoke comming from under the hood..not good, not good at all. sheesh. I need to remember that or haul ass to Toyota or something in the morning. I think i will attempt to find where the oil goes and put it in myself. That should tide me over until next paycheck so i can get it changed...hopefully. Hopefully i dont forget to put the oil in tho..better put up post it I think either friday(*jeffs next day off*) im going to try and have a sit down talk with him. I need to find out what "we" are. Since he doesnt want to put a label on it. I mean, he tells me that he isnt interested in anyone else, he wants to be with me, yada yada yada, but he doesnt want a label on it, so in my mind im thinking, "well if there's no label, then its like we arent ANYTHING, which i do not want it to be that way" But i want to know how he feels about this whole thing so i can stop worrying. *shrugs* just thinking about that makes me sorta sad...
but on a better note, its weird because ive been getting into belly dancing a lot lately, and at a thrift store we went to, i foudn this belly dancing workout dvd...after im done updating i am going to try it out. I also go a Yoga dvd too...not sure if i want to do both yet though. I will start with the belly dancing and move from there. Neil Huffman called me about a job, i need to call them back in the morning too...So im going to get some sleep so i can call them at 9
but on a better note, its weird because ive been getting into belly dancing a lot lately, and at a thrift store we went to, i foudn this belly dancing workout dvd...after im done updating i am going to try it out. I also go a Yoga dvd too...not sure if i want to do both yet though. I will start with the belly dancing and move from there. Neil Huffman called me about a job, i need to call them back in the morning too...So im going to get some sleep so i can call them at 9

just because there is smoke/steam coming from your hood doesn't really meen you need oil. It may need something else.