So its after 6....i was supposed to be at work at the mall @ taking out my extensions. I could care less about getting to the mall. Fuck them. They make me sick. So im just going to finish my hair, change my oil in a little bit, and then lay around the house doing nothing....yeah, that sounds like a plan
okay this is an update b/c im in from work @UPS. I talked to Jeff for like 3 seconds once i got to work. He allegedly was going out drinking with some people from work. So this is instance #2 of the so called "non-drinker" completely contradicting himself. Im not upset by it, i think its rather amusing. Sort of like an identity crisis. Like a girl who thinks she is a lesbian so she tells everyone that she is...but she isnt sure...Speaking of gay...PRIDE is this weekend! YAY! I think the parade is Friday and Saturday is the All day Pride fest @ the belvedere! It should be uber fun. Im probably going up there with Shawn, Erica, Vilis and some other people. yay! I need to make a payment on my cellphone bill maybe tomorrow. Maybe saturday. Not sure yet. I think i might go running in a little while. ITs been a while since ive ran in Cherokee Park....better get on that. Anyways, im outtie.
okay this is an update b/c im in from work @UPS. I talked to Jeff for like 3 seconds once i got to work. He allegedly was going out drinking with some people from work. So this is instance #2 of the so called "non-drinker" completely contradicting himself. Im not upset by it, i think its rather amusing. Sort of like an identity crisis. Like a girl who thinks she is a lesbian so she tells everyone that she is...but she isnt sure...Speaking of gay...PRIDE is this weekend! YAY! I think the parade is Friday and Saturday is the All day Pride fest @ the belvedere! It should be uber fun. Im probably going up there with Shawn, Erica, Vilis and some other people. yay! I need to make a payment on my cellphone bill maybe tomorrow. Maybe saturday. Not sure yet. I think i might go running in a little while. ITs been a while since ive ran in Cherokee Park....better get on that. Anyways, im outtie.
so does that mean there is an opening where you work(ed) how much did you make, and how many hours did you get?