sheeet yo!
never again will i drive to bum fuckin' egypt to go to a party!!!! I drove to Oldham County to go to Derrick and Kate's party and it was a complete bust. I mean i couldnt even find the street. I got off the expressway at the right exit and got on the right street, but i couldnt find the last street that the house was on. I was so mad too. I drove around for over an hour trying to find where the hell it was and i went as far as the street would let me go, but i couldnt find it. So i got mad and just drove home. I tried calling everyone in my phone to find something to do but i couldnt get ahold of anyone. I even called Double Dee..nobody was answering the phone. So i went to Meijers on Dixie and while i was in there Jeff called me. I ended up going to his house. Ceasar's ass exploded did that off and on throughout the whole night. Stinky doggie! lol He gave him some Tums and that seemed to have dne the trick. So now im at Jeffs house stil. We're going to his parents house in the morning. i need to get my dad somethin for Fathers Day and fedex it to him. I will probably forget though. Theres a show at the Bulldog Cafe tonight. I was supposed to go with Jon from work but i bailed. Now i found out that lola is belly dancing and i kinda want to go, but just to see her perform. Oh well. Anyways, i gotta remember to save some of my pictures on to a disk so that i can get prints made and give them to Jeff...Apparently he wants to show the poeple he works with pictures of me. Im his spoon(acording to a guy he works with...yeah...whatever that really means, lol)
never again will i drive to bum fuckin' egypt to go to a party!!!! I drove to Oldham County to go to Derrick and Kate's party and it was a complete bust. I mean i couldnt even find the street. I got off the expressway at the right exit and got on the right street, but i couldnt find the last street that the house was on. I was so mad too. I drove around for over an hour trying to find where the hell it was and i went as far as the street would let me go, but i couldnt find it. So i got mad and just drove home. I tried calling everyone in my phone to find something to do but i couldnt get ahold of anyone. I even called Double Dee..nobody was answering the phone. So i went to Meijers on Dixie and while i was in there Jeff called me. I ended up going to his house. Ceasar's ass exploded did that off and on throughout the whole night. Stinky doggie! lol He gave him some Tums and that seemed to have dne the trick. So now im at Jeffs house stil. We're going to his parents house in the morning. i need to get my dad somethin for Fathers Day and fedex it to him. I will probably forget though. Theres a show at the Bulldog Cafe tonight. I was supposed to go with Jon from work but i bailed. Now i found out that lola is belly dancing and i kinda want to go, but just to see her perform. Oh well. Anyways, i gotta remember to save some of my pictures on to a disk so that i can get prints made and give them to Jeff...Apparently he wants to show the poeple he works with pictures of me. Im his spoon(acording to a guy he works with...yeah...whatever that really means, lol)