since i havent updated this thing in a long time i guess i should...So the synthetic dreads were okay..but the back of my hair is too short. so i took them out today. They were pretty while they lasted. Anyways...went to Maddy's party and didnt really stay that long. Ive been sick all week so Jeff and i ony stayed a short amount of time, then left and went back to his house. I went home and slept. Today i went to Heine Bros. for coffee and wouldnt you know it, it was like a fucking mojo clan meeting(minus nazis...)I sat around and talked to Don, Eric, Baz, and Geeky for a bit then went home. Jeff called me and we talked on the phone a bit, then i went over there and got a keyboard from him. Seeing as how i woke up this afternoon to that annoying Yahoo Messenger noise...i kinda slapped my computer...and i uh, fucked up a bunch of the keys...the 'r' key popped out, so now i have 2 keys missing. This keyboard is working just fine tho. tomorrow i need to keep myself occupied most of the day until i go to work. I think that Jeff and i are getting back into that rut of seeing a lot of eachother again. SO to remedy that, i need to find something to do during the day. Like get a day job like ive been planning to do. heh. So i think i will hit the malls and talk to the places that i called last week and see bout geting another job in GOOD OL' Retail....bleh.