Okay, so...Friday night was the gig at Tailgaters. The night started off interesting enough. Jeff finally got ahold of me last minute and i went to his house and we rode to Tailgaters together (he looked EFFFIN' HAWT too). We walked in and he paid, and we found a table and sat down. I should have known that the night was going to be filled with drama when Paige immediately came over to me and told me that Andy flipped out and that Jack was gone with her car to go and find him. That should have warned me right there, but sadly it didnt. To make a long(and drawn out and sad and upsetting) story short, i will say this...Jeff and i were sitting at our table. Between Adam, Robbie, Paige, Andy, Kent, Xandra, and other randoms sitting and talking to me, Jack came to our table 5 or 6 times to talk to me. But every time he spoke to me, he told me the same things over and over again. He was drunk. MY GOD he was so fucking drunk. I shouldnt have even tried talking to him because i knew that it wouldnt make a difference. He gave andy this pink bracelet to give back to me..i made it for Jack when we first started dating. That pissed me the hell off. But after the last time Jack tried to talk to me, i asked Jeff if we could leave. He said yeah, so we walked to his car. No joke when we got to the parking lot, jack came running out and asked if we were leaving because of him. He said that he was sorry about ruining my night, then Jeff said "you're going to make it even worse the longer you stay out here." Then Jack started trying to instigate a fight with him. My emotions were so high i had to sit down because i was either going to pass out or just fuckign walk away. So i sat down and jack came over to me and told me not to cry and that it was okay and that he was sorry. So i got up, and started to walk over to jeff. Then Jack started YELLING "im on my knees begging..." And yes there he was in the middle of the parkng lot at tailgaters on his knees, crying to me, in front of what seemed to be a lot of people staring out through the door. I said "OKAY JACK, IM LEAVING...IM GOING HOME JACK." And right as we got to Jeffs car, i see Paige run out of the building saying my name. I got into Jeffs car, covered my head with my jacket, and gritted my teeth. We drove back to Jeffs house (but we stopped at a gas station to get some mixed drinks *swoons*) and the whole time i kept apologizing to Jeff for what happened. When we got to his house he gave me a pair of shorts, and i changed clothes. Then he hugged me and talked to me for a bit about everything that went on. After talking to him i felt better. But god, after we talked i got so drunk, lol. I drank a whole 6 pack extremely fast, lol. I think we smoked a few bowls too. So yeah, that was friday
On to Saturday. Because of how fast i drank my drinks on Friday, i was groggy all day Saturday. But i still managed to make it to Lexington to visit Tarik as i said i would. The drive was so awesome. I rememberd how much i love road trips. Even if im driving by myself. I was Jammin to my Dirty Vegas cd all by myself and loving it. When i got down there, he cooked indian food. The soup was decent, but MY GOD! the vegetable patties were so good! i cant remember what the name of the other things we had were, but they were equally as delicious! We sat up and watched "The Eye" which was really creepy but very good (gotta love japanese horror movies). Then we watched Man on Fire. About that time Tarik got tired, and the sun was comming out. But i watched the first season of Dead Like Me, which turned out to be a really good series. Too bad they cancelled it. I fell asleep around 11am, and woke up around 6 or 7. His friend Amanda came over and we watched The Princess Bride, and Ed Wood. Almost through Ed Wood, i decided it was time for me to head back to Louisville. So i drove on back, enjoyed the ride. and came home. Mom had just gotten home so me, her and Chris sat around and talked for a bit until Jeff called me. We talked and then he asked if i wanted to hang out. I said sure and so i went to his house. He made dinner...*swoons* it was so good. Well whenever he cooks its always delicious. he cooked and we ate and we watched tv. Then we played with Ceasar. I absolutely love his dog, hes got so much personality! Right now its about 3:30 pm and im at home under the hairdryer. I have to redo my hair and theni think i will work on a short story or something....GTG....
On to Saturday. Because of how fast i drank my drinks on Friday, i was groggy all day Saturday. But i still managed to make it to Lexington to visit Tarik as i said i would. The drive was so awesome. I rememberd how much i love road trips. Even if im driving by myself. I was Jammin to my Dirty Vegas cd all by myself and loving it. When i got down there, he cooked indian food. The soup was decent, but MY GOD! the vegetable patties were so good! i cant remember what the name of the other things we had were, but they were equally as delicious! We sat up and watched "The Eye" which was really creepy but very good (gotta love japanese horror movies). Then we watched Man on Fire. About that time Tarik got tired, and the sun was comming out. But i watched the first season of Dead Like Me, which turned out to be a really good series. Too bad they cancelled it. I fell asleep around 11am, and woke up around 6 or 7. His friend Amanda came over and we watched The Princess Bride, and Ed Wood. Almost through Ed Wood, i decided it was time for me to head back to Louisville. So i drove on back, enjoyed the ride. and came home. Mom had just gotten home so me, her and Chris sat around and talked for a bit until Jeff called me. We talked and then he asked if i wanted to hang out. I said sure and so i went to his house. He made dinner...*swoons* it was so good. Well whenever he cooks its always delicious. he cooked and we ate and we watched tv. Then we played with Ceasar. I absolutely love his dog, hes got so much personality! Right now its about 3:30 pm and im at home under the hairdryer. I have to redo my hair and theni think i will work on a short story or something....GTG....