ze stomach...it is so hungry...it says "le growl" early in the morning....Soon, soon i will eat....i need to get my paycheck first.
I am going nucking futz!!! the people either below me or above me have moved out and so theirr apartment is being damn near gutted...they've woken me up since 7am!!!! the wretched bastards! Okayleaving to get teh moneyz now....
::coughs:: so there is some strange concotion that my mother made last night...some of the ingredients include, spring water, maple syrup, lemons, and cayenne pepper poweder. I poured some in a glass and drank it. The cayenne peppers hit me after the last huge 'gulp'. wowzers was that an interesting taste. Now, otherr than the fact that maybe there was too much cayenne, that shyt was pretty good. So later on i talked to my mom. Asked her what was the deal with that stuff. She told me some sort of detox thing. So im doing it. I think its actually some sort of fast....oh well..10 days on the stuff and we shall see how i feel! *heawts*
Okay guys and dolls...the fotos i neglected to upload. plus like 2 from today! who loves ya? who? Never heard of her. Anyways, FOTOS!
C'est moi et Tang:
Roneece et Ben pre-fight:
Roneece et ben during their fight:
and here are 3 artsy fartsy fotos of my mug et some henna i did on my hand earlier:
I am going nucking futz!!! the people either below me or above me have moved out and so theirr apartment is being damn near gutted...they've woken me up since 7am!!!! the wretched bastards! Okayleaving to get teh moneyz now....
::coughs:: so there is some strange concotion that my mother made last night...some of the ingredients include, spring water, maple syrup, lemons, and cayenne pepper poweder. I poured some in a glass and drank it. The cayenne peppers hit me after the last huge 'gulp'. wowzers was that an interesting taste. Now, otherr than the fact that maybe there was too much cayenne, that shyt was pretty good. So later on i talked to my mom. Asked her what was the deal with that stuff. She told me some sort of detox thing. So im doing it. I think its actually some sort of fast....oh well..10 days on the stuff and we shall see how i feel! *heawts*
Okay guys and dolls...the fotos i neglected to upload. plus like 2 from today! who loves ya? who? Never heard of her. Anyways, FOTOS!
C'est moi et Tang:

Roneece et Ben pre-fight:

Roneece et ben during their fight:

and here are 3 artsy fartsy fotos of my mug et some henna i did on my hand earlier:

I actually have this "i drink whatever i find" bad habit actually... but for my birthday i'll be wise : i'll only drink champagne. and maybe beer.

Hey that sounds like a wild detox . Have you ever tried the lemon detox it works .