I am a Helsing fan, i admit

basic design for a halloween costume

and Utina

Oka...this morning Tang and i went to Dennys for breakyfast. Im pretty sure he thinks im even more insane than he thought at first. heh. Anywhoo...then he took me to get my check. I walked by the counter and waved at Suzanne...she look absolutely horrified. psshhht...whateva. Then i came home and voila, here i am. Sitting on muy bum doing nothing. Like i have for the past few days. Oxmoor Toyota wont buy my car, but Adam @ Toyota of Louisville said that they might. He said that when he gets out of work @ 7 at his shop hes going to run by the shop @ Oxmoor and take a look at my car. I duno if thats normal policy, but hes being very helpful. Matt @ Oxmoor said he felt rreally bad but they had too many camry parts and couldnt buy anymore. But he (and the other mechanics) agreed that Dillards gave me the shaft. They say i should call up the labor board once i file for unemployment. Sympathy, sometimes its nice. Anyway me and mom are going to eat when she gets out of work. Im starving...i want somethin to eat but i shouldnt eat anything ARG! waiting waiitng waiting!