I knew today was going to be a bad day. I layed in bed until the last minute debating if i was going to work. I should have gone back to sleep. I got up just in time. Headed out like normal, got on the expressway like normal. Everything went normal until i crossed the bridge. About a mile and a half from my exit, my car died. Just went Kaput. Now this is the second tme that this has happened. No warning, except the check engine lights right before the car died. So i sat in my carin the shoulder on the highway. I called work and they asked if there was any way that i could get there. Now i feel like a bomb. I said "If i could get there, i wouldnt be on the phone telling you i cant!" They wouldnt send someone to come get me so i ended up getting a tow truck. Then i got myself and my car to oxmoor toyota. I was sitting there for about 2 hours then Dillards called again. Asked me to get there before 1 or i would be fired. I told them "its 12:30. Im sitting in Oxmoor toyota waiting for my car. Im sure they havent gotten to my car yet. Im sure it will take them some time before they do. I have no way of getting to dillards. So i guess that im fired. But hey! im sure you guys dont rreally carre, after all you made presell and thats all you gave a shit about right?" Fucking tools. Friday if i have my car, i will go to my interview @the summit, and then go get my paycheck from dillards. They arent getting my uniforms. Nor my pins. fuck them. Fuck Dillards and Clinique. It definitely wasnt worth the headache.
So they call and tell me its bad news. Its my engine. Great. They said it threw a rod, and that now there is a hole about the size of a fist in my engine. lol. I hope to god that dillards doesnt call me back...im a force of nature at the moment. I feel absolutely livid.....they said $7,000 to fix that. 7grand! i work a shitty job @ dillards, i dont have morre than $100. So **woosah** i called them back a bit ago and im trying to see how much i can get for a trade in on the piece of shit, and ad that to the rewards points i have from when i spent $3,750 in September to get the damned transmission fixed. They are going to call me once they look at it and come up with some sort of trade in value.
(Update thrice)):::::::::::::::
Im about a cunt hair away from blowing fucking mental....just thought you guys should know. Im just going to get my ass to work tomorrow and have those pussy bastards tell me face to face that they are firing me. I'll see what kind of balls they have. Especially the full of shit motherfucking chumps at the counter. If i get fired tomorrow, i want to see those motherfuckers look me in the eye. i bet none of them will. mushmouth cocksuckers.


So they call and tell me its bad news. Its my engine. Great. They said it threw a rod, and that now there is a hole about the size of a fist in my engine. lol. I hope to god that dillards doesnt call me back...im a force of nature at the moment. I feel absolutely livid.....they said $7,000 to fix that. 7grand! i work a shitty job @ dillards, i dont have morre than $100. So **woosah** i called them back a bit ago and im trying to see how much i can get for a trade in on the piece of shit, and ad that to the rewards points i have from when i spent $3,750 in September to get the damned transmission fixed. They are going to call me once they look at it and come up with some sort of trade in value.

Im about a cunt hair away from blowing fucking mental....just thought you guys should know. Im just going to get my ass to work tomorrow and have those pussy bastards tell me face to face that they are firing me. I'll see what kind of balls they have. Especially the full of shit motherfucking chumps at the counter. If i get fired tomorrow, i want to see those motherfuckers look me in the eye. i bet none of them will. mushmouth cocksuckers.
I hope your day gets much, much better.