Happy Singles Awareness Day everyone!!!!
Jeff came to work and ate lunch with me. I know he misses me. I miss him too, but i guess it just goes with the season of love n' shit. *shrrugs* I sent my craft to my partner for the love swap today..i hope she doesnt think she didnt get anything but i sent it out already!! Im doing a deep clean mask on my mug then im heading to bed becausei have to work in the morning...Im sad, i wont have a valentine for V-Day....boo!
Jeff came to work and ate lunch with me. I know he misses me. I miss him too, but i guess it just goes with the season of love n' shit. *shrrugs* I sent my craft to my partner for the love swap today..i hope she doesnt think she didnt get anything but i sent it out already!! Im doing a deep clean mask on my mug then im heading to bed becausei have to work in the morning...Im sad, i wont have a valentine for V-Day....boo!
for V-day
