durka durka durka....jihad mutha fuckaS!
id rape jake gyllenhal and he would love me for it.
Brokeback Mountain(or whatever movie he's in....yummy!)
Okay, so im at my moms house. Ive been staying at her house for the past few days and i dont want to go back to that damned apartment. I went over there earlier today to lock my stuff up. IT was mainly my clothing. but my mom bought me some huge suitcases and some locks so i used them to store all my clothes in. That way, my roommate cant go through my shit and take wahtever she wants. I cant wait to get out of there though.
Anyways, today was so long and busy....Apparently there was some sort of school dance over in either Jeff or New Albany, because ou counter was insanely busy. I mean, i did 7 makeovers. By the time i finished, i was ready to go home. I mean, i didnt get to leave until 6pm, an hour later than i was scheduled to leave. Its alright though, im getting my overtime. I think i have 23 hours so far this week. Im off tomorrow(thursday) thank goodness. And then i work Friday and Saturday. Both days long shifts.
You know what i was thinking about? I was seriously thinking about getting another phone. The Razors are going for about 100 bones right now. I can spare 100 dollars next week when i get paid. I dunno, im thinking about getting one. I wont do anything until i get paid next week.
In other news....Johnny...he's in Mass right now. I mean up in Massachusettes, lol. Yeah, but hes being an ass. I mean i guess we really arent even friends because he doesnt even have the balls enough to call me and say "hey, i dont want to do anything more than have sex with you." Or some shit like that. I mean for real. I even got him a christmas gift. Welp, he aint gettin it. Im gonna wrap it and give it to someone else. So sorry, dear Johnny, better luck another time. SHIT...im becomming a hermit lately. I keep staying at my moms house, not going out, and not trying to hook up with anyone. Wow, im proud of myself. Honestly, im getting to the point where i dont even give a shit about 'dating' and all the bullshit that comes along with it. I think Jeff did that for me. No no no, im saying that after we broke up, and then we hung out. That was the first time that id hung out with any of my ex boyfriends or girlfriends. It was weird. But i guess it showed me that dating isnt important. I have too much shit that i need to do and dating, even fucking a lot right now will only fuck it up. *shrugs* but then again i may feel differently tomorrow. Who knows. Im starving though. Gonna get some good food. then take my flax. Im turning into a femmi-hippy....or so my mom called me.
I need to be on a diet. I dont ever gain weight, but i dont lose any. I need to start running again....either that or get some lipo...if i had the money id do it tomorrow. But im still considering it...id have to see what kind of payment plans they have. *shrugs* im in a random mood...tomorrow i will come up with some shit completely opposite of this...okay im sleepy and im going to bed
id rape jake gyllenhal and he would love me for it.
Brokeback Mountain(or whatever movie he's in....yummy!)
Okay, so im at my moms house. Ive been staying at her house for the past few days and i dont want to go back to that damned apartment. I went over there earlier today to lock my stuff up. IT was mainly my clothing. but my mom bought me some huge suitcases and some locks so i used them to store all my clothes in. That way, my roommate cant go through my shit and take wahtever she wants. I cant wait to get out of there though.
Anyways, today was so long and busy....Apparently there was some sort of school dance over in either Jeff or New Albany, because ou counter was insanely busy. I mean, i did 7 makeovers. By the time i finished, i was ready to go home. I mean, i didnt get to leave until 6pm, an hour later than i was scheduled to leave. Its alright though, im getting my overtime. I think i have 23 hours so far this week. Im off tomorrow(thursday) thank goodness. And then i work Friday and Saturday. Both days long shifts.
You know what i was thinking about? I was seriously thinking about getting another phone. The Razors are going for about 100 bones right now. I can spare 100 dollars next week when i get paid. I dunno, im thinking about getting one. I wont do anything until i get paid next week.
In other news....Johnny...he's in Mass right now. I mean up in Massachusettes, lol. Yeah, but hes being an ass. I mean i guess we really arent even friends because he doesnt even have the balls enough to call me and say "hey, i dont want to do anything more than have sex with you." Or some shit like that. I mean for real. I even got him a christmas gift. Welp, he aint gettin it. Im gonna wrap it and give it to someone else. So sorry, dear Johnny, better luck another time. SHIT...im becomming a hermit lately. I keep staying at my moms house, not going out, and not trying to hook up with anyone. Wow, im proud of myself. Honestly, im getting to the point where i dont even give a shit about 'dating' and all the bullshit that comes along with it. I think Jeff did that for me. No no no, im saying that after we broke up, and then we hung out. That was the first time that id hung out with any of my ex boyfriends or girlfriends. It was weird. But i guess it showed me that dating isnt important. I have too much shit that i need to do and dating, even fucking a lot right now will only fuck it up. *shrugs* but then again i may feel differently tomorrow. Who knows. Im starving though. Gonna get some good food. then take my flax. Im turning into a femmi-hippy....or so my mom called me.
I need to be on a diet. I dont ever gain weight, but i dont lose any. I need to start running again....either that or get some lipo...if i had the money id do it tomorrow. But im still considering it...id have to see what kind of payment plans they have. *shrugs* im in a random mood...tomorrow i will come up with some shit completely opposite of this...okay im sleepy and im going to bed

Have I mentioned before how much I love your new profile pic?