has been hecktic as of late. Ive done so many makeovers within the past 2 days im sick sick
SICK of looking at makeup! BLEH! Doing laundry right now, its going.....afterwards im heading to the christmas depot b/c things are 50-90% off...hell yeah. Especially since i havent done any shopping yet, lol. Im a slacker and thats fine with me! So last night i wrote an update that i will post in here then finish updating for today:
Right now im sitting here cold but comfortable. Last night Karen and I went to 4th street to celebrate her 22nd birthday. We had a good time. On our way in, we saw Brandy, Lore, Olivia and Johnny. That made my day. I had a decent day at work (I did 2 makeoversone on a bride, and another on a girl who was celebrating her 18th birthday). After work I went home, got dressed and Karen and I went out. We danced our buns off! I didnt talk to any guys and didnt give my number out, which made me feel pretty good. Normally when we go out, we both give our numbers out to guys in the club. Half of the city of Louisville must have my cell phone number tucked away somewhere. Anyways after we closed down the club, we were standing outside and Lore and Olivia walked up to me and we chatted for a bit. Lore was celebrating his last finals at school so they got a hotel room at the Seelbach. They went to their room and told me that Johnny went home. When Karen and I got home, Johnny called me and we talked for a bit. He ended up getting a ride with someone to his house, because his car was at Lores house. So I told him to call me when he got up today and I could take him to his car. So when he got up, he called me and I went to his house. We played Castlevania for a bit, and watched the movie Garfield. Then we had sex. Afterwards, we went to Lores house and got his car, and we went back to his house. We stopped before we went to Lores house at an ATM. Evidently he trusts me because he gave me his card, told me his pin # and I withdrew some money for him. But anyways, after we got back to his house, he cooked dinner and we watched Fellowship of the Ring. He started playing Castlevania right around the time that I passed out. I was out for a few hours evidently! When I woke up, there was a special on TV about the Bird Flu. They all believe that it will turn into a huge epidemic like in 1918. We shall see at any cost. I went home because Johnny started falling asleep. I came home and took a shower and used this new facial cream by Christian Dior (yes, Im using something besides Clinique). Its an anti-aging serum. I have a lot of wrinkles around and underneath my eyes and I have deep laugh lines. Hopefully it will help to smooth them out. Before I got on my computer I sent Johnny a text message. I dont really know what is going on between he and I. I really like him, and the last time we spoke about this, his feelings were reciprocal. But in the message I sent him, I asked about things with the two of us. I dont know if we are simply friends, friends with benefits, or dating. He knows that I worry about things, so it shouldnt surprise him that I am worrying about this too. Hes asleep right now so I am not expecting a response from him tonight. I do hope that I get one from him by tomorrow evening when he gets in from work. After work tomorrow I am going to my mothers house to do laundry. I cant wait until the lease is up in this apartment. Speaking of that, I need to call Maureen and ask her when the earliest time I can start moving out is. If it is in February, then after I pay rent on February first, I will start moving my things back to my moms house. My mother feels that she will be in her new house by the time my lease is up though. She went today to look at some houses. Next month I need to go by Sullivan and get a schedule for classes for the summer. Because I think I will go to school in the summer there and then the fall. To get my Bachelors degree, I only have about a year and a half. I want to get it over and done with as soon as possible. I need to go ahead and get some sleep so I can make it to work at 9:15 and actually be there on time., Johnny hasnt sent me any reply to the text message i sent him last night. I will give him the rest of today and tomorrow to reply before i ask again. Im a worry wort and we all know it.
SO i found out today that my class thingie in Indy for Clinique has been moved from March 14-16 to February 4-8th. Me and Marelyn are PUSHING for them to get us plane tickets because they can definitely afford it. Who knows what the weather will be like around here. Marilyn and i both know that our cars cant be taken on those roads especially if the weather is bad. so we're hoping that we can fly. *crosses fingers*
SICK of looking at makeup! BLEH! Doing laundry right now, its going.....afterwards im heading to the christmas depot b/c things are 50-90% off...hell yeah. Especially since i havent done any shopping yet, lol. Im a slacker and thats fine with me! So last night i wrote an update that i will post in here then finish updating for today:
Right now im sitting here cold but comfortable. Last night Karen and I went to 4th street to celebrate her 22nd birthday. We had a good time. On our way in, we saw Brandy, Lore, Olivia and Johnny. That made my day. I had a decent day at work (I did 2 makeoversone on a bride, and another on a girl who was celebrating her 18th birthday). After work I went home, got dressed and Karen and I went out. We danced our buns off! I didnt talk to any guys and didnt give my number out, which made me feel pretty good. Normally when we go out, we both give our numbers out to guys in the club. Half of the city of Louisville must have my cell phone number tucked away somewhere. Anyways after we closed down the club, we were standing outside and Lore and Olivia walked up to me and we chatted for a bit. Lore was celebrating his last finals at school so they got a hotel room at the Seelbach. They went to their room and told me that Johnny went home. When Karen and I got home, Johnny called me and we talked for a bit. He ended up getting a ride with someone to his house, because his car was at Lores house. So I told him to call me when he got up today and I could take him to his car. So when he got up, he called me and I went to his house. We played Castlevania for a bit, and watched the movie Garfield. Then we had sex. Afterwards, we went to Lores house and got his car, and we went back to his house. We stopped before we went to Lores house at an ATM. Evidently he trusts me because he gave me his card, told me his pin # and I withdrew some money for him. But anyways, after we got back to his house, he cooked dinner and we watched Fellowship of the Ring. He started playing Castlevania right around the time that I passed out. I was out for a few hours evidently! When I woke up, there was a special on TV about the Bird Flu. They all believe that it will turn into a huge epidemic like in 1918. We shall see at any cost. I went home because Johnny started falling asleep. I came home and took a shower and used this new facial cream by Christian Dior (yes, Im using something besides Clinique). Its an anti-aging serum. I have a lot of wrinkles around and underneath my eyes and I have deep laugh lines. Hopefully it will help to smooth them out. Before I got on my computer I sent Johnny a text message. I dont really know what is going on between he and I. I really like him, and the last time we spoke about this, his feelings were reciprocal. But in the message I sent him, I asked about things with the two of us. I dont know if we are simply friends, friends with benefits, or dating. He knows that I worry about things, so it shouldnt surprise him that I am worrying about this too. Hes asleep right now so I am not expecting a response from him tonight. I do hope that I get one from him by tomorrow evening when he gets in from work. After work tomorrow I am going to my mothers house to do laundry. I cant wait until the lease is up in this apartment. Speaking of that, I need to call Maureen and ask her when the earliest time I can start moving out is. If it is in February, then after I pay rent on February first, I will start moving my things back to my moms house. My mother feels that she will be in her new house by the time my lease is up though. She went today to look at some houses. Next month I need to go by Sullivan and get a schedule for classes for the summer. Because I think I will go to school in the summer there and then the fall. To get my Bachelors degree, I only have about a year and a half. I want to get it over and done with as soon as possible. I need to go ahead and get some sleep so I can make it to work at 9:15 and actually be there on time., Johnny hasnt sent me any reply to the text message i sent him last night. I will give him the rest of today and tomorrow to reply before i ask again. Im a worry wort and we all know it.
SO i found out today that my class thingie in Indy for Clinique has been moved from March 14-16 to February 4-8th. Me and Marelyn are PUSHING for them to get us plane tickets because they can definitely afford it. Who knows what the weather will be like around here. Marilyn and i both know that our cars cant be taken on those roads especially if the weather is bad. so we're hoping that we can fly. *crosses fingers*