Lordy lordy, I maybe in love... Again. It will be my second time. Aside from this girl being awsome and not knowing whats going to happen. I'm pretty happy.
Mostly because of her. But even if nothing happens... I know I can feel this way again. I honestly thought I was going to drift though the "love life" as a fake. I never thought I...
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Mostly because of her. But even if nothing happens... I know I can feel this way again. I honestly thought I was going to drift though the "love life" as a fake. I never thought I...
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Friday April 2nd.
Ok well the cops are beating down my door. I guess I should provide the reason. Well a couple years ago I was at work running some heavy equipment. This guy and I had some words, he jumped on the machine and kicked me in the face with a steel toe boot. I Not knowing my jaw was busted in two places...
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Ok well the cops are beating down my door. I guess I should provide the reason. Well a couple years ago I was at work running some heavy equipment. This guy and I had some words, he jumped on the machine and kicked me in the face with a steel toe boot. I Not knowing my jaw was busted in two places...
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Lol I get that alot
No one can really see in the scene or as a dancer, hell I cant believe it sometimes. But I love it. Who woulda thought I actually have talent on the floor
As for the cop thing, all has been resolved and I can go on living life with out feeling like a criminal for someone elses crime. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! So nice
Oh and I am very careful in the scene, I assume you were refering to the drugs. They are wide spread. Thankfully I only partake every once in awhile. Partying sober is just as fun away.

As for the cop thing, all has been resolved and I can go on living life with out feeling like a criminal for someone elses crime. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! So nice

Oh and I am very careful in the scene, I assume you were refering to the drugs. They are wide spread. Thankfully I only partake every once in awhile. Partying sober is just as fun away.
wHAT A BLOODY DAY! K first I have been trying to fix a fuel problem on my truck. Its running way to rich and consiquently burning alot of fuel. So I have traced the problem a faulty throttle positioning sensor, map sensor, coolant sensor and o2. After rigorous testing I found all were bad, which I have never seen before. Got it fixed. Yaa...
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wHAT A BLOODY DAY! K first I have been trying to fix a fuel problem on my truck. Its running way to rich and consiquently burning alot of fuel. So I have traced the problem a faulty throttle positioning sensor, map sensor, coolant sensor and o2. After rigorous testing I found all were bad, which I have never seen before. Got it fixed. Yaa...
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So its been awhile since I have posted
Lets see lets see.
I have decided to finish my mechanics apprenticeship. It'll work out all right. My pop has a shop.
I figure I can lay brick on the side to pay the bills.
Gonna hit darkrave 50 in a little bit. Its gonna be amazing. Silly me I thought I had already attended it. The...
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Lets see lets see.
I have decided to finish my mechanics apprenticeship. It'll work out all right. My pop has a shop.

Gonna hit darkrave 50 in a little bit. Its gonna be amazing. Silly me I thought I had already attended it. The...
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Hmmmm, this week has been fun. Worked as per usual. Went a really good party. Met up with some old friends. It was a great time, danced, talked and chilled.
Talked to my mom today, the divorce is well under way. They wanted to know to I could fix up the brickwork on their house for re-sale. I said yes. I really wish they would...
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Talked to my mom today, the divorce is well under way. They wanted to know to I could fix up the brickwork on their house for re-sale. I said yes. I really wish they would...
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hey, thanks for your comment!
bah. it sucks when parents try to bring you in between their stuff, i guess the best you can do is be as neutral as possible eh? hang in there.. it'll get better.
bah. it sucks when parents try to bring you in between their stuff, i guess the best you can do is be as neutral as possible eh? hang in there.. it'll get better.
aww shucks, thanks hun!
sorry about your parents...i'm very lucky in that respect. i can't even fathom what it must be like to go through such an ordeal. best wishes to you sweetie.

sorry about your parents...i'm very lucky in that respect. i can't even fathom what it must be like to go through such an ordeal. best wishes to you sweetie.
wELL its monday, Worked my ass off. I was jumping from ste to site seting up another house and making sure my crew wasnt fucking around.
They are like children, the minute you turn ur back on 'em they are doing something they shouldnt be
Did the My birthday thing all weekend. It was awsome. I even got picked up
That was funl, course my...
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They are like children, the minute you turn ur back on 'em they are doing something they shouldnt be

Did the My birthday thing all weekend. It was awsome. I even got picked up

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Lets see, I'm stayin at my sisters place still. She has a psycho ex thats needs a little help moving on.
Wanted to go to darkrave last night, but unfortunately the group couldnt agree as too what to do. I left the descision to them, drank beer and watched tv. They couldn't decide. They are a very indecisive. It was a great party too.
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Wanted to go to darkrave last night, but unfortunately the group couldnt agree as too what to do. I left the descision to them, drank beer and watched tv. They couldn't decide. They are a very indecisive. It was a great party too.
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I have my own production company and I freelance. I've worked for a few different groups out in Vancouver from ravey rave shit to galas to biiiig ass fundraising events. I love it =)
Well lets see, recently I realized That my relationship with my gf isn't meant to be.
I can't break up with her though, we are both going through so much with family and our lives in general. Something like a break up might push us both over the edge.
I find myself staying away from friends and family. I'm not hiding from anything. I'm just...
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I can't break up with her though, we are both going through so much with family and our lives in general. Something like a break up might push us both over the edge.
I find myself staying away from friends and family. I'm not hiding from anything. I'm just...
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