I decided I need to get a tablet. I was trying to put it off until the summer when I'll actually have an income again, but I'm working on an animation and if there was ever anything I needed a tablet for, its this. I only have 2 weeks, so I'm tight for time too.
It turns out i'll only be able to get the smallest one.
But its only about $140 as opposed to $250+!
Except I don't have even $140.
But I can borrow the money!
And then I'll owe another $140.
But my project will reek of awesomeness!
Thats enough emotion for me tonight, I'm drained.
It turns out i'll only be able to get the smallest one.
But its only about $140 as opposed to $250+!
Except I don't have even $140.
But I can borrow the money!
And then I'll owe another $140.
But my project will reek of awesomeness!
Thats enough emotion for me tonight, I'm drained.
Yeah, funny how often people fuck themselves. I am an idiot...glad to find a fellow sufferer.