It's hard to understand how I can be so unoccupied yet so busy that nothing seems to get done. I spend so much time in front of a computer, yet never get onto the computer to get things done. Making any sense? Not to me, either.
I think it's this work thing. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
However, pictures were requested, and...
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I think it's this work thing. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
However, pictures were requested, and...
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California was amazing.
11 days, 3 major cities, 1200 miles and 32 hours of driving (mostly coastal), 5 hotels (6 hotel rooms), 2 concerts, and 1 dream vacation realized.
This was a trip I had been wanting to do for at least 6-7 years, and spent weeks planning to make sure that - as much as possible - it didn't get fucked up. Aside...
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11 days, 3 major cities, 1200 miles and 32 hours of driving (mostly coastal), 5 hotels (6 hotel rooms), 2 concerts, and 1 dream vacation realized.
This was a trip I had been wanting to do for at least 6-7 years, and spent weeks planning to make sure that - as much as possible - it didn't get fucked up. Aside...
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Hell yes. Sounds like it was quite the bunch of awesome. How were the shows?
And where's the pictures!
And where's the pictures!
I bet California beats B-Town big time. How was the Metric show?
Prodigy, was fucking awesome.
The 3 times I've seen them... fucking a right man!
Always a good show.
Always a good show.
Lucky lucky you!
[ March is giving me the willies. I loves you March, you know I do, we pals... ]
I wonder if vain people enjoy mirror mazes...
Your comment on my blog was long. So long, it actually put my actual entry to shame.
Okay so, I don't really have anything insightful to add.
And you should really read that. Seriously.
Okay so, I don't really have anything insightful to add.

And you should really read that. Seriously.
And when I woke up, the demon was gone. It stabbed me, beat me, left me to bleed out, and then ran off. I can still hear it in the distance, but its likely miles away. Hundreds even. I made it through though, and I hope we never run into one another again.
Down in the village, they celebrated, and the sun rose the next...
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Down in the village, they celebrated, and the sun rose the next...
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Replacing your woes with shoes? Lose the skirt.
You bought hot sexy lingerie? Next time tell me, because I have a discount card+coupons.
You bought hot sexy lingerie? Next time tell me, because I have a discount card+coupons.
Can you do me a favour? Can you go kick the shit out of the Leafs for me? Wake them up a bit.

Bam-ed! I be tag-ed! By Lucidity! Twenty random things about myself... how self-centeredly fantastic.
1. I used to live off pizza and Coke. Now I don't even touch either.
2. I like far too many things simultaneously, so I can rarely ever decide or focus on one specific thing.
3. I'm infatuated with zombies. They're just too fucking great.
4. I'm also infatuated with...
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1. I used to live off pizza and Coke. Now I don't even touch either.
2. I like far too many things simultaneously, so I can rarely ever decide or focus on one specific thing.
3. I'm infatuated with zombies. They're just too fucking great.
4. I'm also infatuated with...
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.. i really hate Ottawa
Yeah Dude, it's never cool to hang all your social stuff on your mate, but it happens. How's it going now?
I got one of those Gilette Mach 3 Turbo Supreme Ultimate Leader razors or whatever for Christmas last year. You know, the vibrating one for those "special" mornings when you're feeling lonely? Not that I, uh, know. I mean, I've heard. From people. Sick people. For shame.
So I go to buy replacement razors, having not used it in a while (been using an older...
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So I go to buy replacement razors, having not used it in a while (been using an older...
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Hmmm this is all starting to sound very Power-Rangers-esque. Which is which? I'm pretty sure I use the Turbo ones, not the Power ones.
Razors have now taken on an extra level of complexity for me.
Razors have now taken on an extra level of complexity for me.
Take that. Now go read my journal for instructions on what to do.
Take that. Now go read my journal for instructions on what to do.
Nothing comes without sacrifice. Anything worthwhile is never easy.
For better or for worse, I need to lift myself up. Here we go.
For better or for worse, I need to lift myself up. Here we go.
Yeah. I was even telling my mom that I wanted to go back to school and she agrees that if anything, I need a new job. I can't even afford to live anymore. It sucks. I just had to bum $10 off my dad for gas. I'm such a loser. Maybe if I save up now, collect all my pennies, I'll have enough money for that coffee this week

good luck......?

I continue to struggle. Some days I do great, others I'm like some withering decrepit shell. It's pretty bad. Trust me on that.
From the comments, it's good to know I'm not alone, but at the same time it kind of reinforces what I was afraid of in that time is pretty much the only thing that will help me. Problem is I'm the kind...
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From the comments, it's good to know I'm not alone, but at the same time it kind of reinforces what I was afraid of in that time is pretty much the only thing that will help me. Problem is I'm the kind...
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How's the job hunting going?
It's nice to know that nature abhors a vacuum - so even if you're awful at filling voids, if you work at it just a tiny bit, it'll all coming rushing in at you.
I think my sis does the same thing when dealing with dating guys - she goes from one to the next to the next with no down time. I don't know how she does it. I don't like my down time and I don't necessarily like being alone but it's good to get to know myself and it's good to see how I can fill up the time with what I want to do.
Do you have work to fill up your time? How about more classes? Volunteering? Meeting people from here?
I like the idea that emotional baggage is baggae and not a something stuck to you like a tattoo. Because you can always throw away the luggage after a while but a tattoo has to be burned off.
Right - that's enough rambling from me (we're in the dating sucks group in case you were wondering where I popped up from). Hope the days get better.
I think my sis does the same thing when dealing with dating guys - she goes from one to the next to the next with no down time. I don't know how she does it. I don't like my down time and I don't necessarily like being alone but it's good to get to know myself and it's good to see how I can fill up the time with what I want to do.
Do you have work to fill up your time? How about more classes? Volunteering? Meeting people from here?
I like the idea that emotional baggage is baggae and not a something stuck to you like a tattoo. Because you can always throw away the luggage after a while but a tattoo has to be burned off.
Right - that's enough rambling from me (we're in the dating sucks group in case you were wondering where I popped up from). Hope the days get better.
Why is it so hard to move on and accept things sometimes? Relationships end, and almost never is it a mutual seperation. Thats just the way it goes; but why am I in such denial this time? Why is it that I can't get myself to move on?
Actually, I know the reason - its because I love her. How do you get by that...
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Actually, I know the reason - its because I love her. How do you get by that...
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I was just reading some of the other comments in your journal, sorry if that's private, and I just thought to myself "if at any given time all these people and possibly more are going through the same heartbreak, how is the world still turning?"
i'm not afraid to take a chance at something new.