Well it's been another month and holy shit I need to update more.Well some shit has gone down and is woth mentioning to the cyber world I guess since I have very few real life friends to speak of. First off, I am having a change on the work front. I will be switching shops (for the most part anyway). For a couple of months now I've been tattooing a cople of days a week at Psycho City in Lancaster in addition to my 4 days a week at Body and Soul in Sherman Oaks, where I've been for the past 5 years. Well, Today I gave my 2 weeks notice that I will be going to Psycho city for 4 days a week and working at Body and soul for 1 day a week to finish up old clients and such. It was kind of weird because 1) I've never given a 2 week notice before, and 2) I've been there for soo long it was kind of nerve racking to tell my boss I was essentially leaving. He was very cool about it and wished me well, which was very nice,over an east indian buffet . (our usual "lets talk" nosh) The commute kinda whomps but it means 1 more day a week to spend with my family, whom I love dearly and kinda miss with the whole 6 day a week thing.
Anywho, I have also become a total Harry Potter nerd. That's right bitches..WHAT?!? my goblet of fire book is fast replacing my PSP as my anti bordom tool and it's kinda freakin me out. I join the SG Harry Potter group, and I've been threatening to buy a wand. I said nerd, did you think I was kidding?? I might hold off on the wand but...well see.
Also, I recently went to the Pomona tattoo convention, which kinda sucked. I got to see a few friends here and there but there was some drama going on which can always foul a good time. not to mention I had WAY less buisness than usual, and the main rason I went (to buy some new tubes) was foiled by the fact that the one supplier I wanted to see wasn't there. SUCK!!! But they did have a sweet massage booth, which ruled, and totally kicked the balls out of the migraine I rolled in there with on the second day. But even tho I made alot less than I wanted, I did leave with enuf to buy some nice shoes, a purse for the missus, and some needles and pigments....AND still have enuf to take the fam out to an over priced sushi dinner. Also got the missus drunk which is always fun.
Shit I should really update more so I dont have to write a fucking opera every month.
1) Do you think people who are not involved in a particular community (i.e. tattoo, hotrod, fuck whatever) are justified in profiting from it more than those who are?
2) describe your favorite shoes
3)Ever been to a tattoo convention
1. No ... it sucks asshole
2.I got some new badass, van style shoes at pomona. black slip ons with pirate typ, black and grey clipper ships on the fronts. go here and check ourt tokyo hiro shoes: http://www.dravenshoes.com/draven_new/draven_home.html
3. yup.. lots. met my lovely wife
and got married at one too.
Anywho, I have also become a total Harry Potter nerd. That's right bitches..WHAT?!? my goblet of fire book is fast replacing my PSP as my anti bordom tool and it's kinda freakin me out. I join the SG Harry Potter group, and I've been threatening to buy a wand. I said nerd, did you think I was kidding?? I might hold off on the wand but...well see.
Also, I recently went to the Pomona tattoo convention, which kinda sucked. I got to see a few friends here and there but there was some drama going on which can always foul a good time. not to mention I had WAY less buisness than usual, and the main rason I went (to buy some new tubes) was foiled by the fact that the one supplier I wanted to see wasn't there. SUCK!!! But they did have a sweet massage booth, which ruled, and totally kicked the balls out of the migraine I rolled in there with on the second day. But even tho I made alot less than I wanted, I did leave with enuf to buy some nice shoes, a purse for the missus, and some needles and pigments....AND still have enuf to take the fam out to an over priced sushi dinner. Also got the missus drunk which is always fun.
Shit I should really update more so I dont have to write a fucking opera every month.
1) Do you think people who are not involved in a particular community (i.e. tattoo, hotrod, fuck whatever) are justified in profiting from it more than those who are?
2) describe your favorite shoes
3)Ever been to a tattoo convention
1. No ... it sucks asshole
2.I got some new badass, van style shoes at pomona. black slip ons with pirate typ, black and grey clipper ships on the fronts. go here and check ourt tokyo hiro shoes: http://www.dravenshoes.com/draven_new/draven_home.html
3. yup.. lots. met my lovely wife

She's in the middle of the page.
[Edited on Aug 03, 2005 8:57PM]