Update time Bitches.
Spent the past week at my sisters place house sittting. I was pretty nice except for the small assed bed and the weird bugs. Roaches and flys I can handle and relate to, but HUGE fuckin garden spiders and strange looking beetles not to mention the friggin horse flys was a bit much. Still it was nice, and it was a big kick in the ass to get out of this shitty apartment and into something nicer. Gonna talk to a mortgage lender tomorrow and try to upgrade so if anyone reads this (yes... I have some low self worth issues) then wish me and my little family luck. Also, the last week has been absolute shit at the shop as far as money. But on the up sode I think I'm finally gonna start making some more money in my magazine job so I guess it balances out.
Any ways, I'm feeling even more affectionate towards my wife than usual and since I know she's gonna read this and think ,"GOD WHAT A DORK!!" no matter what I write...
I LOVE YOU SOPHIE, you are the light of my life and I'm soo glad your my Lady!!!
Yup.. Im a dork.
On with the questions.
1)favorite fast food. be specific
2)what do you drive?
3)what do you wear to bed?
1. Gotta go with jack in the box chicken strips.. altho Wendy's chili is a close second.
2.'97 Saturn station wagon. blue w/ roof rack and 2 car seats.
3. I used to go commando, but now that I have kids I usually opt for a pair of boxers and a t shirt
Update time Bitches.
Spent the past week at my sisters place house sittting. I was pretty nice except for the small assed bed and the weird bugs. Roaches and flys I can handle and relate to, but HUGE fuckin garden spiders and strange looking beetles not to mention the friggin horse flys was a bit much. Still it was nice, and it was a big kick in the ass to get out of this shitty apartment and into something nicer. Gonna talk to a mortgage lender tomorrow and try to upgrade so if anyone reads this (yes... I have some low self worth issues) then wish me and my little family luck. Also, the last week has been absolute shit at the shop as far as money. But on the up sode I think I'm finally gonna start making some more money in my magazine job so I guess it balances out.
Any ways, I'm feeling even more affectionate towards my wife than usual and since I know she's gonna read this and think ,"GOD WHAT A DORK!!" no matter what I write...
I LOVE YOU SOPHIE, you are the light of my life and I'm soo glad your my Lady!!!

Yup.. Im a dork.
On with the questions.
1)favorite fast food. be specific
2)what do you drive?
3)what do you wear to bed?
1. Gotta go with jack in the box chicken strips.. altho Wendy's chili is a close second.
2.'97 Saturn station wagon. blue w/ roof rack and 2 car seats.
3. I used to go commando, but now that I have kids I usually opt for a pair of boxers and a t shirt
Have a great Monday!