Im gonna give this site one more chance.
I really lost interest after they started switching the interface every five minutes (still not entirely thrilled with it) BUT, im going thru a separation and eventual divorce, so right now I need all the freinds, and naked women I can get..
Im gonna give this site one more chance.
I really lost interest after they started switching the interface every five minutes (still not entirely thrilled with it) BUT, im going thru a separation and eventual divorce, so right now I need all the freinds, and naked women I can get..
I am taking a break from the site due to losing my job. You are on your way in as I am on my way out. Good luck with everything though.
what about mexicans? can you use more mexicans around?
it would be much better if i was really mexican instead of just playing the part...oh well, such is life. anyways im bored but my ex-girlfriend is coming over as we speak and i dont know why. she called when i was at psycho city last night. im really hoping its for sex cause i could REALLY use some. its been a while... anyways im rambleing now so im gonna go...