FEDERALIS.................FUCK EM' ALL.............. They have got to be the most corrupt fuckers of all........ but boy is mexico cheap.......8 beers a burrito the size of your cat and a quesadilla bigger then a pizza for 15$...... FUCK i bet you could have someone paid a visit to for under a 100........ So alcohol was my weapon of choice last night and golly gee wilikers Batman did they go down like the Riddler...... bam bam...2 down........off to the CLUB....WHAT WHAT..... bam bam double shot of JACK on the rocks and a Corona to chase... bam bam off with my clothes and all it took was a dollar and the loss of my dignity...violated
damn stipper took my clothes off faster then i could put them back on.......fuck fuck........ laugh haha........
ALLLLLL ABOARD.............NEXT STOP!!!!.......bam bam mexicali after mexicali thats where the counting ended and the fun began.... time wasted? i think NOT...... back to the states with nothing more then the smell of fruity lotions and glitter to match.............haha
if you ever wanna brawl with the border guards simply act like your taking a piss on there FUCKIN PRECIOUS WALL............sons a bitches.........