If you are having connection issues when joining a livestream or you get booted for no apparent reason, you can report it to the group/thread here: Everything SG
I know this has been happening for quite some time and a lot of you have just given up trying to watch streams because of it. If there's demand, SG will eventually *hopefully* look into an alternative....
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Yea i dont watch live streams because of this
@emanuel @doorstar It's such a shame! I''ve only really noticed lately because I started streaming weekly again here and have had various members tell me what's been happening with bad connections. I have experienced it myself, not being able to connect to other model's livestreams but I didn't think much of it. Thought maybe it was just my connection. D;

Hey guys, I just saw the SG Merch Competition in groups and wanted to feature it here. This is a great opportunity for you guys to immortilise your favourite pics from SOTDs you really love and also give a huge HUZZAH! to the models and photogs who made them. I got tagged by @emanuel and I'm super grateful! Thank you very much for thinking of...
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Hi! It was a pleasure. ^^ Sorry I didn't do it before. But I've been tagging models and sets for a while. And I haven't wanted to do spam in the thread. :P It was a matters of time to tag you. 💕