I KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO HATCH WHEN I WAS GONE! 10 days earlier than expected too! i just had a feeling....
luckily, baby bearded dragons can stay in the incubator for 12 hours after they hatch, in order to absorb their yolk sac. well, 8 eggs hatched, waiting on 3. let me tell you, they are so friggin cute and tiny.
tomorrow at 6AM embarks a long drive to nothing but pure nature.
no cell phones.
no makeup.
no human contact besides present company.
3 days with absolute peace.
thank god.
that was a great update. you need more love.
i love that um...newt?
also i just wanted to let you know i have the best or closest to the best, tard picture of us....
i have HAD it with this new layout! for some reason i can't read blogs because it is saying i have no friends... but click on the FRIENDS tab and WALLA there they are. dammit. what the fuck is up with this?!?!?!?!??! i'm sticking to myspace! PEACE!
wow i haven't updated in a while due to the fact that i am finally coming to terms with navagating this new layout. hmm not too much to report. shaved the head with the wugglyump, will take some pictures someday before it grows back up.
got a new Razor phone today in hopes that the V-cast feature would be something kinda cool, but it isnt... Read More
msi= 20th (thursday) palladium? or some junk
20th of july. i bit my cheek. and i updated my picture.
it amuses me, although it's not terribly sexy, but neither is a vagina covered in tartar sauce.
i need to stop eating at night. and biting my cheek. but....tollerance juice.
tollerance jews?
you put in 50 cents and you get some tard flakes. but you know, keep your hand flat otherwise, we're not responsible if you get bitten.
i had to bring the child back to the docs yesterday. she woke up with a temp of 102.6... scarey shit. but even while she was shaking and her eyes were rolling into the back of her skull, she still tried to crack a joke when she farted. god, i love that little girl.
anyway, another ear infdection to battle, caused by the head/chest congestion... Read More
comments are great.
so here is the picture i was telling you about.
SURPRISE! Your guess is as good as mine
found it in the fridge one night. the bottle says one thing, but what's contained inside, says another.
thanks again for the cadges, im going to set up a tour at n.e.r.d.s for gina, if you want to go with us let me know, lorry was say'n how you really want to see that place.