so everything in this house is broken. erich and or my brother broke the couch, which we are BORROWING from my father. the "giz" broke the chair... yeah right, i believe that. lilly pulled the towel rod off the wall... ugh yeah! GO DISFUNCTION, GO!
anyway, i just got through packing up 4 of my tarantulas to be shipped out to kansas State Un. department of entemology. i hope he's not planning on dissecting them. that would make me sad. i was very sad as i was attempting to put them into their little travel tupperware as they were shooting little urcicating hairs into my face and eyes. so much fun. it's kinda like using that pink insulation as a pillow... yeah kinda feels like that.
so now my collection is down to 6 and one is still in Rhode Island... he was TRYING to get some love action, but the guy i traded with just informed me that his tarantula molted out MALE! that would explain why we haven't got an eggsac yet. DUH! i can't beleive he didn't know it was a male. my poor little stewie, homesexual spider love... mmmm....i can't wait to get him back.
the dragon is lovely though, and well worth the tarantula trade-off.
so i had this dream last night that woke me up crying. i am not going to tell the whole thing because i would like to make it into a short story soon. and when i do i will put it up here.
let's just say it involved a horde of zombies, some friends/coworkers, a rape, paintings inside the walls,a double barrel sawed-off shotgun that shot 4 rounds, and my dad dressed as a clown, killing the cops. yeah... good thing i wrote down the juicey details.
3-close today, on 5 hours of sleep. it is sad when you work more than you sleep. or enjoy life for that matter. no sir, i don't like it.
anyway, i just got through packing up 4 of my tarantulas to be shipped out to kansas State Un. department of entemology. i hope he's not planning on dissecting them. that would make me sad. i was very sad as i was attempting to put them into their little travel tupperware as they were shooting little urcicating hairs into my face and eyes. so much fun. it's kinda like using that pink insulation as a pillow... yeah kinda feels like that.
so now my collection is down to 6 and one is still in Rhode Island... he was TRYING to get some love action, but the guy i traded with just informed me that his tarantula molted out MALE! that would explain why we haven't got an eggsac yet. DUH! i can't beleive he didn't know it was a male. my poor little stewie, homesexual spider love... mmmm....i can't wait to get him back.
the dragon is lovely though, and well worth the tarantula trade-off.
so i had this dream last night that woke me up crying. i am not going to tell the whole thing because i would like to make it into a short story soon. and when i do i will put it up here.
let's just say it involved a horde of zombies, some friends/coworkers, a rape, paintings inside the walls,a double barrel sawed-off shotgun that shot 4 rounds, and my dad dressed as a clown, killing the cops. yeah... good thing i wrote down the juicey details.
3-close today, on 5 hours of sleep. it is sad when you work more than you sleep. or enjoy life for that matter. no sir, i don't like it.
What the hell is going on over there you kids need to keep it down with all ur couch braking towel pulling chair smashing. Hope we can all maybe hang out this weekend freek family fun fair at the zoo or something like that . i can never remember dreams after i get out of bed which is why i try to stay in bed as often as possible
the new place is alright, its just finding a job that is killing me. its looking like i'm being forced back into customer service and im hating that idea.