so today (monday). I am starting a 3 day juice-fast. i've been feeling really shitty lately, emotionaly, physically and mentally, so i decided to try one of these holistic, holy-than-thou treatments instead of going to the doctors and getting put on yet another medication that i don't need. after searching the 'net' i found that juice fasting/detox was a good idea to try. now i'm not talking about Hi-C, juicey juice bottled shite, it is all fresh fruits and veges juiced in my 250 dollar Jack Lollaine juicer that i've had few years and haven't used much. (damn late nihgt infomercails!). so yep, certain fruits and veges at certain times of the day with only water for 3 days. the fresh juice is supposed to be packed with antioxidants, detoxifiers and minerals/vitamins that help sweep the bad shit out of your system. a few sites suggested giving oneself an enema before starting, but i'll pass on that, thanks.
so we'll see. for breakfast it's a sweet concoction of cantuelope, mango, apple, red grapes and blueberries. it's pretty damn delicuos.
later i will have to drink a sweage mix of spinach,various greens, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, etc. not looking forward to that one too much. then i need to makes some bottles up to bring to work with me.
i can't wait to see if this really works, i will keep you all posted.
so we'll see. for breakfast it's a sweet concoction of cantuelope, mango, apple, red grapes and blueberries. it's pretty damn delicuos.
later i will have to drink a sweage mix of spinach,various greens, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, etc. not looking forward to that one too much. then i need to makes some bottles up to bring to work with me.
i can't wait to see if this really works, i will keep you all posted.
Get well soon!
have a great dinner with your chopsticks and shit.
so i'm leaving shortly to meet this fellow. um...