well well..whats up!?
i got myself a new bloke! i know its soon.,..and no im not over it...im just haveing fun at the moment
uuummm... got gigs galore as always...the bones...stiff little finger s twice....levellers twice...some shitty indie shit...billy bragg and some zombiethrash band (all this week comeing!!...should be fun!)
im not sure what this current trend is with thrash/hardcore bands going zombiefied at the moment....?!?! im sure it'll pass... n there leave all the blood and guts back to the psychos...
ahh well... enjoy everything when you can...
it's my birthday in a week and a day!! big piss up n houseparty! your all invited!!....
keep excellent,
well well..whats up!?
i got myself a new bloke! i know its soon.,..and no im not over it...im just haveing fun at the moment
uuummm... got gigs galore as always...the bones...stiff little finger s twice....levellers twice...some shitty indie shit...billy bragg and some zombiethrash band (all this week comeing!!...should be fun!)
im not sure what this current trend is with thrash/hardcore bands going zombiefied at the moment....?!?! im sure it'll pass... n there leave all the blood and guts back to the psychos...
ahh well... enjoy everything when you can...
it's my birthday in a week and a day!! big piss up n houseparty! your all invited!!....
keep excellent,
i see things are going well for you. why you been away for so long?