yeah sorry i've been away...just buzy buzy buzy! uno how it goes!...

...woah a profile picture thing attualey worked!! wow! misshaped a bit but ah well..

...wooo Stiff little fingers kick some boolox smile

and i've been listen to far to much generation x recentaly... not that thats a bad thing....... biggrin
you got it!
'bout time for an update, ain't it?
well well..whats up!?

i got myself a new bloke! i know its soon.,..and no im not over it...im just haveing fun at the moment smile
uuummm... got gigs galore as always...the bones...stiff little finger s twice....levellers twice...some shitty indie shit...billy bragg and some zombiethrash band (all this week comeing!!...should be fun!)

im not sure what this current trend is with thrash/hardcore bands going zombiefied at...
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wwwwoooooooooooooo the big two-0 where theres no real change in stuff you can do but.......erm...theres..... your birthday...
things are going ok, i just have to self adjust to the fact that i might not be working for a while.....oh well..... biggrin

i see things are going well for you. why you been away for so long?
heyhey...what a great week....

i get to see my anti-flag boys again in a month...the dropkick murphys fucking rule...i've made countless number of new friends across the uk..and i've got a black eye... can life get any better biggrin
yes it can....cos ive just made an entry in ya journal... biggrin
i got a nice cut on my chin from the AFI show i went to earleir this week! a show isn't fun if you don't get a scar or bruise from it
so what a choas weekend. cant be bother to explain...but mostly its been taken up with....drinking kareoke..driving...shopping..going to gigs..eating...fighting..playing the double bass...crying....smashing windows...partying...skanking...shiting..getting the pigs out...makeing new friends...meting old ones..loveing and hateing...sitting in a black out shop...and now final getting drunk alone..till the week starts and i'll be waiting for the weekend to come.

woohoo...only one more week of work for me tho and then...
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and hurrah for the pics!!!! love
ive been better but the stress at work is finally over....yay!!! it would be an understatement to say i was getting a little irritated. i dont know why i let it get to me.... i spent all of today listening to ryan adams, thats RYAN just in case you may have thought i was listening to summer of 69 on repeat. biggrin

i see you like hairy men, on your 'gets me hot'....well im almost a werewolf, im that bad wink
this is the first time that i've ever told the truth befor. To scrutinize what we call fate, belief in more of what's been forced into subconsiousness. hold my breath and hope to refrain. is love an infection or just sick addiction?!

dont want to love it,dont want to feel it,dont want to hear it.dont even want to think about it....

dont want to feel...
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a wise man once said 'love, its a motherfucker', i found out today the woman of my dreams is a lesbian. nice one.
yeah every mans dream, but in reality a nightmare, as she is 100% lesbian and i stand no chance, god that sounds so fucking crass, i apologise. im still in a good mood though cos shes a damn nice person too. smile

wheres these pics you were going to d/l? you said you had 400 and i see none. mad tongue

let me be happy

here you go... good things...

(1)...the guana batz blasting out my stereo at the moment...

(2)...my new bones vinyl (a pretty blue)..

(3)...the business hell to pay single i didnt really want but was sold and havent gone far wrong for 1.99...motorhead are back!!lol...

(4)...my free suicide t'shirt...

(5)...some little bats and 'skull' notes i had added to my back...
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which 'version' of the misfits is it? id be wary of free money and hey the more pics tha better wink
maybe you should post some more of these 400 pics biggrin
im not a huge fan of incubus, i like quite a lot of their stuff but they are being supported by brand new, who are one of my favourite bands at the moment. it has occured to me looking at your favourite bands that my tastes lie more on the pop/emo side of punk. dont hate me for that tongue

have you got msn??? it would be easier to communicate that way.... smile
he used to say were'd always be together.
he used to make sure we came together.
he used to hold me when i was sad.
and he'd never let go till i was happy.
and now i've lost him. he's gone.

and it fucking hurts.
Aww you poor thing... frown
my guess is that the 'not letting your friends down' is somehow linked to the above statement. im in a similar situation so i cant really hand out advice and usually im the voice of 'play it safe' which leads me to a life of banality and restriction.

tim burton isnt always great? i assume you saw big fish and it was shite? ive never been a big fan of mr burton, i go to see films to escape from life, not to see a more nightmare-ish version of it. just my opinion folks.

if you need to talk i know you dont really know me, but i can offer conversation, long words and quotes from cheesy 1980's kids films wink
i got a message late last night (yesterday morning) bearing the lyrics...

'is it true when we get old our hearts die...i heard it in a movie once and i think i know why. life it suxs so bad makes you want to die.'

so yeah.... since yesterday i have not slept. i have only listened to th bouncing souls.
.i have turned into a...
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i saw school of rock yesterday. tis a very funny film, jack black rocking out with the kids. the part was really made for him, so he can do all the stuff he does in tenacious D.
sos thats the way to a girls heart.....t-shirts!!!! if i would have known that maybe yesterday wouldnt have been so gosh darn crappy. wink

i was offered tickets to go see damien rice but i didnt fancy watching people make out all night, so i stayed in and watched the goonies.


..im a knobjocky..
..nothing still fucking works and im getting really annoyed by the word 'ink' ... it's tattooing not inking! geeze.

.i need to chill out. blackeyed
hey i was worried that you would be scared by the wierdness if the weirdness is mutual then lets go all out.


by way i seem to be moving in on your journal territory.
nothing wrong with being emo, my dear.

best way to meety peeps on here if you wanna follow my steps to success...

*join sguk from the groups list, then you can find people who like the same shit as you, and who actually close than the us of a.
* go into the chat room and make random comments, and see if anyone is amused by your wierdness.
* post your feelings on the board, then people will seek you out.

i know how you feel about people going out about reality tv i had a conversation today which went as follows;

girl A 'did you see when johhny rotten swore .....they had to apologise on air!!!! it was really funny'

me; 'then you love this; shut the fuck up im reading'

didnt go down too well whatever
thankyou so much for helping me!! your all a kind bunch...

but weather it's my retarded excuse for a human being or the fact that my computer is a bunch of bull shit i'll never really know...

so i still can't get my photo up. damn it frown

but theres a few photos of the lovely me in my pic's bit.. if anyone cares!!

be excellent...
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we're making this work, dammit!
right click the pic, then save as "profile"
upload it from your hard drive to your profile
i tested it as my pic and it was ok, so this should work.........
i cant click the pic tho !! shocked( shocked( ... my mouse only ha one big button and it does nothing!!

im a fool frown
so hi anyone...
..nothings working!!>. ahhwell... moden technologhy never did like me.....
damn... still saying ''needs to be 235px wide' frown
must be something i''ve done this end...

...right im gonna go off to bed now tho...(it's 3 in the morning nearly i think eeek

i'll try again saveing it different 2moro!
and report back to you how im doing!!

thanks for helping me!! i'll get it right soon!! i hope!! mad biggrin

nights for nowx ta! smile
in case you didn't see it
just right click and save as......
then upload and you're off biggrin