listen to me. I'm not going to pretend I'm some shiny, happy, fluffy thing - because I'm not. sometimes I just want to scream. and then hit things. maybe even both....and maybe even at you. deal with it.
got that? if you want that kind of bullshit, hunt down little orphan annie. she'll tell you all about tomorrow.

thanks for all of the willow translations. how about this: someone compile a list of all the different translations for me. I'll give you loose change and a twinkie.
I now have 2 rats. a fancy hairless rat named nutty (dude - he has the biggest ratballs I have ever seen) and a two month old feeder rat named agent. *snicker* aren't they cute?

educate us all. pick a word out of the dictionary that you think we need to know, and post it here.
that's it, fucks.
"...doom drove them on. darkness took them,
horse and horseman; hoofbeats afar
sank into silence: so the songs tell us."
[Edited on Jun 08, 2004 11:24PM]