so. I stretched my holes (ha ha ha - that sounds bad!!!) the other day....the bottom holes to an 8g, the middle to a 10g, and the top to a 14g. it was all fairly uneventful....one ear was no problem...the other gave me lip. I kicked it's ass. the very top hole on my right ear....I haven't had anything in that hole in easily 10 years. it always gives me problems, that hole. like the goddamned black sheep of the earholes.
but...feeling elated from my sucess with the other holes, I decide that the sheep must comply. I abused that fucker for two days straight. couldn't get anything through it. finally...using a piercing stud from one of those lame ear guns....I take it down. a big ole chunk of flesh comes out...and blood is running down my neck. I'm too stupidly pleased with myself to do anything about the blood. I obviously rock.
when it hits my shirt and starts seeping,, I wipe it off., finally. then I decide to take a pic. I wish I had thought of it when there was TONS of blood....because it was wicked cool. and I am a badass motherfucker. (pfffft. that pussy FunkTion went and had someone do his for him. chicken. )
so. here is a pic of it, after I wiped it off. fuck you, black sheep hole!! I WIN!

1) for fun......click on anyone on my friend list. then choose one of their friends (someone not on your own list) and go and say hi. you never know....you could change their day.

2) translate "evilwillow" or "willow" into a different language and post it here.
3) look around you. if you were stranded on an island....and could bring 5 of the things you can see from where you are sitting...what would you bring?
peace. this is a FUCK!
"...one ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,
one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
ya know each time i come over here to your sgj.. that pic of your ear seems redder and more infected.. please tell me your ear is doin good.