so. I hate to leave two downer entries in a row....but I'm sitting here trying to come up with something sarcastic and funny and I just can't. so...yeah. downer.
so..I put legend to sleep saturday morning. my grandmother passed away saturday night. which, really...I'm pretty okay with - she was in the final stages of alzheimer's. now she is at peace. then last night, I read an update on lila, and it was just awful. it turns out the progress they thought she was making was really involuntary eye movement. she is in a coma and currently has only minimal brain activity. everything now is a wait and see. kash had the great idea for a vigil tonight for lila..if you're interested, stop by.
I'm just falling apart...lila is one of the good ones, you know. all the while she was battling this cancer, she always put other people's needs first. she was the only person I've ever known who was so close to being me - one minute she would be mothering me and telling me to take vitamin c for a cold, the next she would be telling me what a dirty, smelly, cunt face I was.
I love her to pieces. about instead of everyone posting sad faces....y'all post a funny pic. or, better yet, photoshop a little sumthin sumthin. pick someone on my friend list that is within 2 spaces of you in any direction, snag one of their pics, and make me a funny present.
that's it, motherfuckers. keep on trucking....hope you're all well.
"when we love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is: the lovely with the unlovely, the strong along with the fearful, the true mixed in with the facade, and of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way."
so..I put legend to sleep saturday morning. my grandmother passed away saturday night. which, really...I'm pretty okay with - she was in the final stages of alzheimer's. now she is at peace. then last night, I read an update on lila, and it was just awful. it turns out the progress they thought she was making was really involuntary eye movement. she is in a coma and currently has only minimal brain activity. everything now is a wait and see. kash had the great idea for a vigil tonight for lila..if you're interested, stop by.
I'm just falling apart...lila is one of the good ones, you know. all the while she was battling this cancer, she always put other people's needs first. she was the only person I've ever known who was so close to being me - one minute she would be mothering me and telling me to take vitamin c for a cold, the next she would be telling me what a dirty, smelly, cunt face I was. about instead of everyone posting sad faces....y'all post a funny pic. or, better yet, photoshop a little sumthin sumthin. pick someone on my friend list that is within 2 spaces of you in any direction, snag one of their pics, and make me a funny present.
that's it, motherfuckers. keep on trucking....hope you're all well.
"when we love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is: the lovely with the unlovely, the strong along with the fearful, the true mixed in with the facade, and of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way."
hope you're feeling better.