so major drama and life kicks me in the head once again
, but with good fallout. I'm learning things about myself and doing some cleaning of the cobwebs that seem to have been growing around my heart and mind.
something died in me a long time ago and i structured my life in such a way to cope with that, but didn't realize that until now. so things that were tucked down inside are coming out again and its like seeing the world through brand new eyes. I so miss feeling this way and its good to be heading back. you have to be true to yourself, i've said that to so many people but wasn't living it myself it seems, well that has changed so FUCK YEAH!!!
thanks to those that listened and gave it to me straight.

something died in me a long time ago and i structured my life in such a way to cope with that, but didn't realize that until now. so things that were tucked down inside are coming out again and its like seeing the world through brand new eyes. I so miss feeling this way and its good to be heading back. you have to be true to yourself, i've said that to so many people but wasn't living it myself it seems, well that has changed so FUCK YEAH!!!
thanks to those that listened and gave it to me straight.

Damn woman! Are you sure we aren't fraternal twins? Seems like we've been on the same wavelength.
i am so happy for you. you have been there for me quite a few times and i want to thank you for that. but i am so glad to hear you are letting go of the pent up shit, all it does is hurt you, and i am learning this too. but it is still a strugle for me, and i wish you good luck!