autism awareness month. take the time to be more aware.
yes, it's going to be on every entry throughout the month....which means 1) it's something important to me, and 2) you might as well go on and go to the site, because there WILL be a quiz, and you WILL be graded.
EDITED TO ADD A PSA! I can't stand it when people get pussy and take their ball and go home. fucking sucks outloud.
I have a cold. dammitfuckingshitpiss. I think Agent_de_Surreal gave it to me....I heard he had cooties.
sorry if I didn't respond to a post in my journal...the snot is weighing me down and I just have to move on. it's nothing personal.
pick someone on my friend list....someone that someone else hasn't picked. (follow that? good.) go and say hi. NOW, GODDAMNIT!!!
tell me what you like most about yourself. tell me something about you that people should know, but don't.
alright, kids. that's all she wrote.
this is a fuck.
yes, it's going to be on every entry throughout the month....which means 1) it's something important to me, and 2) you might as well go on and go to the site, because there WILL be a quiz, and you WILL be graded.
EDITED TO ADD A PSA! I can't stand it when people get pussy and take their ball and go home. fucking sucks outloud.
I have a cold. dammitfuckingshitpiss. I think Agent_de_Surreal gave it to me....I heard he had cooties.
sorry if I didn't respond to a post in my journal...the snot is weighing me down and I just have to move on. it's nothing personal.
pick someone on my friend list....someone that someone else hasn't picked. (follow that? good.) go and say hi. NOW, GODDAMNIT!!!
tell me what you like most about yourself. tell me something about you that people should know, but don't.
alright, kids. that's all she wrote.
this is a fuck.
Thankyou thankyou. I'm so pissed I miised the last 2 Angel's after this season just keeps getting better. I've blown way too much on every DVD with Joss' name on it. No regrets though.

Yeah I am feelin alright now. All good as gravy when i'm hanging with hip-ies like you and all my friends. Love groupthink. I won't let that Dune disrespecter get to me anymore. I have said my piece. C ya in Groups.