so, BatAttak inspired me to have a poetry contest about the rubber cement thing....and I'm a sucky judge. here are the entries thus far....
The rubber cement
burned a big dent
In a star shaped
hole in your thigh
I hide my disgust
as the hole becomes pussed
and gangrene sets
into that sty.
The doctor'll chop
Your leg'll go flop
Your boredom has
gone far awry.
Advice you have spurned.
A lesson you've learned.
To your leg
we must say
Icky sticky, a voyeurs delight
Glitter stars and dancing light
Glowing bright
Fifty small stars thirty large
All caressing one gigantic star
Ickly tickly, something's not right
Stars are rising as tender skin swells
Rubber cement is not nice
Quick bring some ice
Owie zowie, stars really are hot
Burning and yearning but not for hot love
The need that's so urgent is for a cold tub
Quick, to the shower
The stars must go down
Rubby Scrubby, begone rubber demon
Fiend in a bottle
You take flesh with you as you leave
More more, no trace must be left
Nasty Wasty
The stars are all gone
But brand new star birthmarks
Are lingering on
Rubber cement is the devil
Glitter little fairy
Sparkle tiny stars
Enter sweet lady
into our hearts
Images not had
Something is bad
Skin rises red
Heart feels dread
Peel the stars away
Little sores stay
soap water spray
wash poison away
for the ignorance
water please rinse
oh heavenly eyes
Need never burn your thighs
Spork said Krazy Glue
Now you lament
never again will you
use rubber cement
Dreams of exciting the masses-
such well done pinup photographs;
They are her lustful voyeurs...
A sensuous pose from behind-
her beauty and soul bared for art;
Some wish gratification...
Image becomes so etheral-
stars, glitter add special effect;
They yearn for her possession...
Transformed, a living art canvas-
rubber cement the means to shine;
Fans will be enthralled by her...
Immediate pain and regret-
burns, wounds are her reality;
They wait not knowing the reason...
Perserverance is her motto-
different glue, this time it works;
Those that view the image, in love...
To adorn is pain
and I'll say it again
buy some fucking superglue
if ya wanna be vain.
And then sleep with me.
Though I long to take it back, undo the past, and stop this pain...
For once if I could dream my dreams, without experimental games.
I stare down at this fool's attempt to do something she never meant,
How many thoughts ran through my head, you foolish girl! the time you spent!...
Rewind, rewind, oh stubborn time, Remind me of these things I do,
and pry a many splendid star, stuck on my ass, with super glue....
I want to cover myself from head to toe
I don't like the real me, I can't show
I want to adorn my body with nature's blessing
Glittery Stars from above are my dressing
Rubbery goo attaches my new skin
Underneath reveals where the real me begins
An open sore that needs to heal
But glittery stars make it less real
she is covered in shining stars, so lovely and pretty
stuck all over with cement-of the rubber variety
what a goddess, what a vixen, sparkling shining glittering
she feels sexy, she feels hot, she feels... a funny tingling?
oh no, not just tingling, it quickly becomes pain
to shower, to the shower! until no stars remain
no sparkly stars, at least. their imprint stays to scorn
but as the angry blisters rise, a hilarious story is born
so here it is written, this lesson that was learned
if you play with stars, use glue... and avoid getting burned.
_red dawg
okay - now everyone vote.
The rubber cement
burned a big dent
In a star shaped
hole in your thigh
I hide my disgust
as the hole becomes pussed
and gangrene sets
into that sty.
The doctor'll chop
Your leg'll go flop
Your boredom has
gone far awry.
Advice you have spurned.
A lesson you've learned.
To your leg
we must say
Icky sticky, a voyeurs delight
Glitter stars and dancing light
Glowing bright
Fifty small stars thirty large
All caressing one gigantic star
Ickly tickly, something's not right
Stars are rising as tender skin swells
Rubber cement is not nice
Quick bring some ice
Owie zowie, stars really are hot
Burning and yearning but not for hot love
The need that's so urgent is for a cold tub
Quick, to the shower
The stars must go down
Rubby Scrubby, begone rubber demon
Fiend in a bottle
You take flesh with you as you leave
More more, no trace must be left
Nasty Wasty
The stars are all gone
But brand new star birthmarks
Are lingering on
Rubber cement is the devil
Glitter little fairy
Sparkle tiny stars
Enter sweet lady
into our hearts
Images not had
Something is bad
Skin rises red
Heart feels dread
Peel the stars away
Little sores stay
soap water spray
wash poison away
for the ignorance
water please rinse
oh heavenly eyes
Need never burn your thighs
Spork said Krazy Glue
Now you lament
never again will you
use rubber cement
Dreams of exciting the masses-
such well done pinup photographs;
They are her lustful voyeurs...
A sensuous pose from behind-
her beauty and soul bared for art;
Some wish gratification...
Image becomes so etheral-
stars, glitter add special effect;
They yearn for her possession...
Transformed, a living art canvas-
rubber cement the means to shine;
Fans will be enthralled by her...
Immediate pain and regret-
burns, wounds are her reality;
They wait not knowing the reason...
Perserverance is her motto-
different glue, this time it works;
Those that view the image, in love...
To adorn is pain
and I'll say it again
buy some fucking superglue
if ya wanna be vain.
And then sleep with me.
Though I long to take it back, undo the past, and stop this pain...
For once if I could dream my dreams, without experimental games.
I stare down at this fool's attempt to do something she never meant,
How many thoughts ran through my head, you foolish girl! the time you spent!...
Rewind, rewind, oh stubborn time, Remind me of these things I do,
and pry a many splendid star, stuck on my ass, with super glue....
I want to cover myself from head to toe
I don't like the real me, I can't show
I want to adorn my body with nature's blessing
Glittery Stars from above are my dressing
Rubbery goo attaches my new skin
Underneath reveals where the real me begins
An open sore that needs to heal
But glittery stars make it less real
she is covered in shining stars, so lovely and pretty
stuck all over with cement-of the rubber variety
what a goddess, what a vixen, sparkling shining glittering
she feels sexy, she feels hot, she feels... a funny tingling?
oh no, not just tingling, it quickly becomes pain
to shower, to the shower! until no stars remain
no sparkly stars, at least. their imprint stays to scorn
but as the angry blisters rise, a hilarious story is born
so here it is written, this lesson that was learned
if you play with stars, use glue... and avoid getting burned.
_red dawg
okay - now everyone vote.
we should drink together sometime soon. Very soon. Like beofre I tell my boss to suck my d**k and I quit.
_red dawg