I'm reposting this, because I love it so much.
BatAttaK said on
February 06, 2004 07:58 PM
The rubber cement
burned a big dent
In a star shaped
hole in your thigh
I hide my disgust
as the hole becomes pussed
and gangrene sets
into that sty.
The doctor'll chop
Your leg'll go flop
Your boredom has
gone far awry.
Advice you have spurned.
A lesson you've learned.
To your leg
we must say
and also....this is mandatory viewing. turn the sound up. a lot.
BatAttaK said on
February 06, 2004 07:58 PM
The rubber cement
burned a big dent
In a star shaped
hole in your thigh
I hide my disgust
as the hole becomes pussed
and gangrene sets
into that sty.
The doctor'll chop
Your leg'll go flop
Your boredom has
gone far awry.
Advice you have spurned.
A lesson you've learned.
To your leg
we must say
and also....this is mandatory viewing. turn the sound up. a lot.
edit: What was the occasion for the stars?
[Edited on Feb 08, 2004 6:34PM]