so yes. been a while since i've had internet connectivity. here are the updates:
most of our stuff is at new house
i'm back at work
finally have internet again
still have to clean out old house
am going to MoI tonight for drinkies
Lufy the Weasel Muncher is leaving for WV in a few days
i guess that all evens out to me being in a perpetual state of blah and meh.
also Art Star Benefit Raffle Party is coming up soon. should be a blast. come out if you can.

i guess that all evens out to me being in a perpetual state of blah and meh.
also Art Star Benefit Raffle Party is coming up soon. should be a blast. come out if you can.
I think I will come to more SGPhilly events. There were some people there that I didn't get to spend nearly enough quality time with.
yes yes...well mebbe I will be moved in by then and not so grumpy.