time for an update:
soooo looking forward to 5pm tomorrow and having 17 days off in a row. i don't know what i'm going to do when i have to go back to work. it is going to be very hard. unfortunately, i doubt throwing a tantrum will solve this particular problem. really, i guess that stopped solving problems a long ass time ago. so why do i still feel like i want to do it every once in a while?
just finished up the last bit of freelance work that i had to do, so now i need to either make some artwork or look for new freelance jobs. i want to buy a nice opaque projector before i make any work, so i guess i'll start doing follow-up calls for web crap. anyone need a site done?
found out about a few fun cheap things to do around the philly that i'll have to get specifics on so that i can post. monday night cheap bowling & beer just over in jersey and tuesday night $4 movies [w/ free popcorn].
that should about do it.
soooo looking forward to 5pm tomorrow and having 17 days off in a row. i don't know what i'm going to do when i have to go back to work. it is going to be very hard. unfortunately, i doubt throwing a tantrum will solve this particular problem. really, i guess that stopped solving problems a long ass time ago. so why do i still feel like i want to do it every once in a while?
just finished up the last bit of freelance work that i had to do, so now i need to either make some artwork or look for new freelance jobs. i want to buy a nice opaque projector before i make any work, so i guess i'll start doing follow-up calls for web crap. anyone need a site done?

found out about a few fun cheap things to do around the philly that i'll have to get specifics on so that i can post. monday night cheap bowling & beer just over in jersey and tuesday night $4 movies [w/ free popcorn].
that should about do it.
You know what else is fun and cheap to do in Philly. Fast Cheap & Out of Control. Duh its all in the name. hehe 5 bucks. Oh but you will never guess where I might be going this weekend I should hang my head down in shame. But I won't. *side note I just had a slurpie so I am flying high on sugar*
Now that's a party (and cheap too).