Ok well this is weird. After not having an account in about 2 years, someone goes and gifts me one! Thank you whoever you are. Can you please let me know who you are so I can say thanks personally
i have come to the conclusion i wouldnt be so boring if I wasnt such a whiney little bitch.... must stop being a whiney little bitch... ahh fuck it I tried

i've been on a few trips
and i have a few trips lined up
in the mean time i will be working
interesting no?
and i have a few trips lined up
in the mean time i will be working
interesting no?
why do people who aren't me live interesting lives?
me tooo thank you
it's ok my life is very uninteresting. it's why I live vicariously through others.

it's ok my life is very uninteresting. it's why I live vicariously through others.
i've been on a few trips
and i have a few trips lined up
in the mean time i will be working
interesting no?
and i have a few trips lined up
in the mean time i will be working
interesting no?
I cant belive it has actually been 4 months since i got back from Italy. That is probably why my hair is all over the place. I am working nights (FUCK) and I hate it. They pay is awsome though, so I shouldnt complain.
Ok, I have bitched about myself long enough. How are you?
Ok, I have bitched about myself long enough. How are you?
Chickens don't clap! Have u actually ever SEEN a chicken?
Ahh well.
I'll call u if i'm in the mood for a little late night fatality
Ahh well.
I'll call u if i'm in the mood for a little late night fatality

italy...fuck im jealous. i want to hear all about it.
so i'm back from italy! I actually had a 26 hour trip to get home, then had my girlfriends 21st to attend. That was crazy, i ended up going to bed at 3am!
On another note I just bought an account for my girlfriend Jessii go say hi and make her feel welcome
On another note I just bought an account for my girlfriend Jessii go say hi and make her feel welcome
dude you totally need to update your blog.
Bachelor of science, earth science major, has me focusing mainly on geology, climatology, gis/remote sensing and environmental science. Pretty interesting and topical at the moment, which hopefully means my peice of paper will translate into reasonable job oppotunites when I finish mid next year.
Oh and I have to admit that I feel the same about alot of what I write, not that exciting, but I guess it gives people a reason to comment and get to know me a bit better I guess.
Oh and I have to admit that I feel the same about alot of what I write, not that exciting, but I guess it gives people a reason to comment and get to know me a bit better I guess.
hey so im in Italy.. good for me
the flight sucked
and they keyboards here are weird
I am missing my girlfriend quite terribly also
also im apparently going to see a band called dildo fuck tonight
should be interesting
the flight sucked
and they keyboards here are weird
I am missing my girlfriend quite terribly also
also im apparently going to see a band called dildo fuck tonight
should be interesting
that band sounds awesome! I was gonna google them to see what they sound like, but ... well, I don't imagine it would've ended well.
safe travels!
safe travels!
wow I go to Italy in just 2 days!! the time really does fly!!!! i'm nervous as fuck though really... I have no idea why, I just am okay?

Hey Jessii, if you are reading this I love you!!!!!
Umm I am going to Italy in less than a month! Oh SHIT! Someone totally has to help me out, show me around.... you know that kinda thing.. anyway
Umm I am going to Italy in less than a month! Oh SHIT! Someone totally has to help me out, show me around.... you know that kinda thing.. anyway
I suck at this shit. I think I am starting to hate the internet. Well not actually the internet, just trying to find time to use it... it probably sits at around 1000003 on my todo list. But hey, I have found time!
What have I been upto?
Well since my last blog, I have of course come back from Manila, which was a bunch...
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What have I been upto?
Well since my last blog, I have of course come back from Manila, which was a bunch...
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