I didn't do anything fun this helloween. There just wasn't anything going on that interested me. Friday I dressed as a punk rocker for the helloween party my bar had and I just stayed there all night and got shitfaced. Saturday I stayed home and watched Poltergueist I, II and III. Wow, those are soooo not scary!!! Then on Sunday I just got some new tattoos and ate mexican food. I watched The Ring again. Sooo not scary!! You know what is scary tho? I saw The Grudge and I nearly pissed my pants with fright!! That japanese chick with no jaw and just her eye peering thru nappy hair and her creepy son the meows.....OHHHH I get shivers.
I watched that whole movie between my fingers
SO yeah! My new tattoos. They are sooo bad ass. It's on my chest and will eventually be a full chest piece. Right now it just two skulls and crossbones on either side of my chest and they have blond pigtails with pink ribbon. I love them...
I was gonna go to Social D tonight, but I have to write a 4 page research essay. School can be a big drag on a social life. I hope it pays off in the end.

make sure you get that essay finished so there are no excusses for clutch