So today I gave an AWSOME speech and got an A!!!
And John Kerry is speaking at my school today!!!
So it's gonna be a good day! On top of that, I work at my fun jod tonight, Art*Bar where I will get wasted and go to Racine to carve pumpkins and make carmel apples!!
I love the fall. All in all, this week sucked though. I had to miss Ministry cuz I had to study for a test
My social life has turned into a complete dissappoinment. For those who don't know me, I am very social. I like to go out and have fun. So staying at home to study is new territory for me. But after I get a degree and my dream job>watch out!< Besides, I won't be missing Manson, Clutch, GWAR!!! And I can catch Ministry in chicago when My friend Shawn gets back in town. Has anyone ever heard of Dave Firth? He is sooo funny!

What makes you a geek cuz you like guitars?
No, I don't just like guitars, I build and repair guitars. I just overhauled a Gibson lap steel from the 40's, going in about an hour to deliver it to the artist at a show here in town (he dropped it off with me the last time they were here, about a month ago). I also build and repair guitar amps and some effects pedals.
That's what makes me a guitargeek.