So, Had the big golden birthday this weekend. It was a fucking success!!! The bar was packed, people were drunk, I got cool presents and the cops even came!!! They told us to turn the music down at a bar!!! Too bad you all couldn't make it. But I'm sure you were there in spirit. To top off that, My boyfriend and I decided we...
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AHA!! I knew nobody read this thing anyway. Well I might as well wish myself a very happy birthday.Happy birthday, Sarah!!! Why thank you, Sarah.
I'm such a cheeky monkey
Anybody who want's to came is more than welcome!!!

see,..... people do read this. happy birthday, again
You All ROCK!!! You've made my monday morning Soooo much more tolerable!!

Does anyone even read these fucking things? I guess not! I will use it as my own personal diary to tell all my dirty little secrets. I really like salad fingers...motherless bread-fish!

You know what pisses me off?!?! When someone hears something about themselves or someone else and get mad and goes on a rampage. Maybe before freaking out at someone, that person should take the time to find out what was really said. What really erks me is when the person who freaks out has known you for 3 fucking years and would even consider the...
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So today I gave an AWSOME speech and got an A!!!
And John Kerry is speaking at my school today!!!
So it's gonna be a good day! On top of that, I work at my fun jod tonight, Art*Bar where I will get wasted and go to Racine to carve pumpkins and make carmel apples!!
I love the fall. All in all, this week sucked...
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What makes you a geek cuz you like guitars?
No, I don't just like guitars, I build and repair guitars. I just overhauled a Gibson lap steel from the 40's, going in about an hour to deliver it to the artist at a show here in town (he dropped it off with me the last time they were here, about a month ago). I also build and repair guitar amps and some effects pedals.
That's what makes me a guitargeek.
What makes you a geek cuz you like guitars?
No, I don't just like guitars, I build and repair guitars. I just overhauled a Gibson lap steel from the 40's, going in about an hour to deliver it to the artist at a show here in town (he dropped it off with me the last time they were here, about a month ago). I also build and repair guitar amps and some effects pedals.
That's what makes me a guitargeek.
So I was late for school today. Oh well. It was only sociology and we had group today which half of mine wasn't even there. And those who were, didn't even talk to me. Gotta love MATC's downtown campus. People are so friendly here!!!I wish all my friends could be like that...
You said your party wasnt this weekend, didnt you?

Oh yeah...I am soo confused. DUH!!! it's next weekend!
So my golden birthday is coming up...there will be a big party...
Hi everybody!!! i have to do research now. I'll write back later!
Check my events, my par-tay info is in there.
So here I am all stoked about writing and stuff when I hit some random little button and the whole screen goes black. I hate technology. Oh and for the record... I didn't "make out" with him... I was drunk and threw myself on him and he was a gentleman about it. I only told you that to get any guilt out of my system...
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YOU"RE THE FUCKING BEST!!! YEAAA!!!! All hell will break loose now that I have this new knowledge! I will write till the end of time...Soo much to say, Soo little minds to listen...
Anyone from Milwaukee?
click on the yellow and red update your page letters below your pic. give it a try
okay, I got the journal...what about the rest of the stuff? I'm trying to figure it out. Like, how do I update my events?, what is the group for?, and how can you just browse all the members and read other people's profiles???
[Edited on Oct 28, 2004 11:21PM]