Hey everyone! So it's finally my week off work (woooo!) and after depriving myself of sleep for the whole weekend, I'm most looking forward to a massive lay in tomorrow!
This weekend I attended a friends house party on Friday night, where we got drunk and built lego... Now that was a blast from the past and also incredibly annoying. It's hard enough finding all the right bits when you've just got the one items worth of lego, not eleven million kits all mixed up!
Most of my group of friends went off to the beach on Saturday, however two of us went off to look at a car. We spent a good 5 or so hours poking around this car trying to pick it to pieces and find a reason why he shouldn't buy it. The long and the short of it was that he did buy it and it's pink... It's a TVR Cerbera by the way, I am very much jealous
Saturday night was spent at our usual local rock club, getting a little bit drunk once again. I've got to say, I had an awesome time, even if I had intended to stay sober and drive home...
We also, while drunk, had a dragon fly land on my friends window, it was very dark so the picture isn't great, but the thing was HUGE!
So, my week off... Well, I decided that it's a time for doing, so I've already pulled my finger out and ordered myself a new guitar (I will get back into playing!), I've ordered myself a few bits for the car, I need to sign up on my OU course and I'm finally going to decorate my bedroom.
My bedroom has been in that inbetween stage for months now and it's really annoying me at present, I figure while I have the time, I should get it sorted. I'm going to put up a couple of pic of how it looks at present, so if I don't post a new blog by next Sunday showing the changes, you can all hopefully harrass me to get it sorted!
It's also a fucking mess, that needs sorting out!
On Friday, I shall be going to London with a few friends... We're going to try and get to the saachi (saatchi? I'm not sure on the spelling) and have a bit of a walk around Camden. Combine that with a few drinks and I think it should end up being an awesome day out!
If anyone's out and about in London on Friday, then give me a shout if you want to hook up...
Well I think that's probably enough waffling for now... I hope everyone else has had a great weekend!

This weekend I attended a friends house party on Friday night, where we got drunk and built lego... Now that was a blast from the past and also incredibly annoying. It's hard enough finding all the right bits when you've just got the one items worth of lego, not eleven million kits all mixed up!

Most of my group of friends went off to the beach on Saturday, however two of us went off to look at a car. We spent a good 5 or so hours poking around this car trying to pick it to pieces and find a reason why he shouldn't buy it. The long and the short of it was that he did buy it and it's pink... It's a TVR Cerbera by the way, I am very much jealous

Saturday night was spent at our usual local rock club, getting a little bit drunk once again. I've got to say, I had an awesome time, even if I had intended to stay sober and drive home...

So, my week off... Well, I decided that it's a time for doing, so I've already pulled my finger out and ordered myself a new guitar (I will get back into playing!), I've ordered myself a few bits for the car, I need to sign up on my OU course and I'm finally going to decorate my bedroom.
My bedroom has been in that inbetween stage for months now and it's really annoying me at present, I figure while I have the time, I should get it sorted. I'm going to put up a couple of pic of how it looks at present, so if I don't post a new blog by next Sunday showing the changes, you can all hopefully harrass me to get it sorted!

It's also a fucking mess, that needs sorting out!
On Friday, I shall be going to London with a few friends... We're going to try and get to the saachi (saatchi? I'm not sure on the spelling) and have a bit of a walk around Camden. Combine that with a few drinks and I think it should end up being an awesome day out!

Well I think that's probably enough waffling for now... I hope everyone else has had a great weekend!
Damn! Its been a while...but Happy Birthday!!
hows it going ey?x