I feel it's only fair to start out by informaing people that I'm probably going to be wallowing in self-pity for atleast part of this blog, so be warned! Also, no pictures, because I haven't taken pictures of anything for ages...
So, friday night, there was a group of us going out for a chinese followed by a trip to a local rock club, in aid of my friends birthday. The chinese was awesome, it was all you can eat and we all left absolutely stuffed (if anyone lurks around Peterborough and is looking for a great chinese, give me a shout!). I wasn't drinking so I could drive, one of my friends couldn't stay out for the night as he had to dog sit, so I volunteered to drive. Anyway, we went straight to the club after the chinese - it was, if I'm brutally honest, a bit of a let down. The club was having a Kerrang night (Christian and Loz were dj'ing), the whole atmosphere seemed really subdued and the music was a bit pants... To top the night off though [self pity mode] I got my heart shat on by this girl I've been seeing for a few weeks, this is where the not drinking came into play because I couldn't even get savagely drunk... [/self pity mode]
As I'm sure you can tell by now, I've not really been enjoying this weekend. I'm not sure if it's because of what she did, or because I've let it get to me, as I'm usually very good at just switching off and saying fuck it!
Anyway, Saturday I drove down to Luton to collect some car parts (which I suppose is a highlight, because they'll make my car better when I get around to fitting them!
) , which was swiftly followed up with going to a mates house party and still not managing to get as drunk as I wanted to.
So yeah, that just about sums up my weekend. I've got a trip to the doc's to look forward to tomorrow aswell. Fantastic!
So, friday night, there was a group of us going out for a chinese followed by a trip to a local rock club, in aid of my friends birthday. The chinese was awesome, it was all you can eat and we all left absolutely stuffed (if anyone lurks around Peterborough and is looking for a great chinese, give me a shout!). I wasn't drinking so I could drive, one of my friends couldn't stay out for the night as he had to dog sit, so I volunteered to drive. Anyway, we went straight to the club after the chinese - it was, if I'm brutally honest, a bit of a let down. The club was having a Kerrang night (Christian and Loz were dj'ing), the whole atmosphere seemed really subdued and the music was a bit pants... To top the night off though [self pity mode] I got my heart shat on by this girl I've been seeing for a few weeks, this is where the not drinking came into play because I couldn't even get savagely drunk... [/self pity mode]
As I'm sure you can tell by now, I've not really been enjoying this weekend. I'm not sure if it's because of what she did, or because I've let it get to me, as I'm usually very good at just switching off and saying fuck it!
Anyway, Saturday I drove down to Luton to collect some car parts (which I suppose is a highlight, because they'll make my car better when I get around to fitting them!

So yeah, that just about sums up my weekend. I've got a trip to the doc's to look forward to tomorrow aswell. Fantastic!

I'm sorry to hear your night was shit, you should come down to the smelly old Agincourt in Camberley, it's legendary.
And that sux about that girl. We can be bitches. x