It's almost been a couple of weeks since my last blog, so time for a bit of an update! 
I haven't really been up to much if I'm honest - work, cars and booze have been the main things ensuring that I'm not sitting around doing nothing...
Plus notes have been that my mates car now moves under it's own power!
So next weekend it will (hopefully) be leaving my garage after spending a full year sitting in it. It's going to be nice to have the space back, but more importantly not having to be available every weekend to work on his car. It'll be sooo nice to have properly free time again!
I went to Hunstanton with a group of friends on Saturday purely because the weather was absolutely awesome. I spent ages driving round Peterborough (with a bit of an epic failure of a mission to buy new straighteners...) because the traffic was horrible, but once we'd got everyone, the trip was muchly good fun
I think it's going to have to be done again sometime in the very near future.
Some more bad times at work this week though. We were given the monthly break down of what we had to acheive for us to stand any chance of getting a bonus. Now I'm one of those people who doesn't like to be caught out with a lack of information, so I kept last years figures and the e-mail stating that the reason for us not being given a payrise was "the economic downturn." So I struggle to understand why this years figures are higher than last years?!?!? I confronted my boss about it and the only answer he was able to give me is that it's something to do with the way the figures are worked out and that he was awaiting further information - unsurprisingly, we haven't had a meeting to explain the figures and for me to ask a load of awkward question that our management really should be able to answer...
So yah, a bit of a bittersweet week for me.
Moving on to a brighter note, BeccaChaos has a hopeful set up for review. Since she's gorgeous and a great girl to boot, I think it's only fair that you lot should go take a look!
Feel The Felt
Following on from my last blog, I thought I'd put up a pic of the flames I was thinking of - the pic is shamelessly pillaged from Mr.Cartoon's website (google it, the guy is an awesome artist!)

I've currently got three stars on my right forearm, and I'd be lookign to have the flames enveloping them - I'd be going for blacks and greys... Normally I'd agree that flames look tacky, but I thought these were really cool! haha! May go to show that I have absolutely no taste!
Hope everyone is well

I haven't really been up to much if I'm honest - work, cars and booze have been the main things ensuring that I'm not sitting around doing nothing...
Plus notes have been that my mates car now moves under it's own power!

I went to Hunstanton with a group of friends on Saturday purely because the weather was absolutely awesome. I spent ages driving round Peterborough (with a bit of an epic failure of a mission to buy new straighteners...) because the traffic was horrible, but once we'd got everyone, the trip was muchly good fun

Some more bad times at work this week though. We were given the monthly break down of what we had to acheive for us to stand any chance of getting a bonus. Now I'm one of those people who doesn't like to be caught out with a lack of information, so I kept last years figures and the e-mail stating that the reason for us not being given a payrise was "the economic downturn." So I struggle to understand why this years figures are higher than last years?!?!? I confronted my boss about it and the only answer he was able to give me is that it's something to do with the way the figures are worked out and that he was awaiting further information - unsurprisingly, we haven't had a meeting to explain the figures and for me to ask a load of awkward question that our management really should be able to answer...

So yah, a bit of a bittersweet week for me.
Moving on to a brighter note, BeccaChaos has a hopeful set up for review. Since she's gorgeous and a great girl to boot, I think it's only fair that you lot should go take a look!
Feel The Felt
Following on from my last blog, I thought I'd put up a pic of the flames I was thinking of - the pic is shamelessly pillaged from Mr.Cartoon's website (google it, the guy is an awesome artist!)

I've currently got three stars on my right forearm, and I'd be lookign to have the flames enveloping them - I'd be going for blacks and greys... Normally I'd agree that flames look tacky, but I thought these were really cool! haha! May go to show that I have absolutely no taste!

Hope everyone is well

student loan is just for the fees and u never see it anyway... however, u get a maintainance loan, and possibly a maintainance grant, depending on ur household income/parents support etc...
i took a photo of the bugs - fortuneately my wife has an excellent camera so was able to get a good image... and in the end, the accepted it and are going to get me a replacement