i found some fake blood at work,so i put some all over my arm,and hands.....it looked like i cut myself too(and i do cut myself a lot at work..) I ran up to my boss holding my arm,but i couldnt stop laughing...i fell down laughing holding my arm...my boss just gave me a fucked up look,and said that i've lost it....too bad i had to fuck it all up and laugh....meh...I hope that i didnt tell this to you already....heh....
...and so there was this dog right, and he was telling me to kill the leprechans, so i did. But, when the leprichans were all dead the dog just sat there licking his balls and wouldn't even give me the time of day. So while this talking dog is licking his balls, this hooker comes up and says "Damn I gotta raise my prices, now... Read More