Ugh... I hate being sick. I've had a lot of upper respiratory problems the last couple of weeks. Either it's in my lungs, but not my nose and throat, or it's in my throat, but not my lungs or nose, or else it's in my nose, but not my throat or lungs... so between that and some wisdom teeth problems, I've been cranky lately.
Not all is bad. Sure, I'm sick, which really sucks, but I've been having a lot of fun with my two gaming groups. Yay D&D nerds! And I've got a couple of new characters on my mirc RP game that I play, so that's been fun too. Which is kinda sad because last night I had an epiphany that my life is almost completely lacking in any sort of action or adventure. I'm fighting a constant state of ennui, but I shall NOT let it prevail!!
Not all is bad. Sure, I'm sick, which really sucks, but I've been having a lot of fun with my two gaming groups. Yay D&D nerds! And I've got a couple of new characters on my mirc RP game that I play, so that's been fun too. Which is kinda sad because last night I had an epiphany that my life is almost completely lacking in any sort of action or adventure. I'm fighting a constant state of ennui, but I shall NOT let it prevail!!