Okay yes doing set in a few weeks. I'm just bursting with creative ideas right now mostly of what to do to my girlfriend next time I see her.
I miss Megan I wish she didn't have to go so far away. I was just saying to Ry last night over sushi (mmm sushi) "I miss Megan's pussy" answer: *choke* *cough* *splutter*
Guess I shouldn't say things like that at the dinner table...sorry dude.
It was fun I blew spitballs at him at dramatically claimed my life was over and I was going to drink a big bottle of.....SOY SAUCE. You have to love me for my humor I'm sort of one-one-of-a-kind. yaya I ride the short bus lol anyways I have to go to volunteering now.
I miss Megan I wish she didn't have to go so far away. I was just saying to Ry last night over sushi (mmm sushi) "I miss Megan's pussy" answer: *choke* *cough* *splutter*
Guess I shouldn't say things like that at the dinner table...sorry dude.
It was fun I blew spitballs at him at dramatically claimed my life was over and I was going to drink a big bottle of.....SOY SAUCE. You have to love me for my humor I'm sort of one-one-of-a-kind. yaya I ride the short bus lol anyways I have to go to volunteering now.
ehhehe and your joke was really funny
I LOVE SUSHI...heheheh