Here I am updating.........WOAH DUDE lol
Got bloodwork done today so I'm glad it's done. I listened to music and sang along while getting it done...the lady got a kick out of it I guess heh. Do they really need that much of my blood for a mere sample, rather do they really need three vials of it? You know I always assumed when they test for one thing that they need one vial...what do they do with the other two....drink it? Maybe that's it:I've uncovered the secret uh-oh Doctors you better run *dons vampire fighting gear* *does cheesy series of poorly done karate moves*
I think they may have tweaked my brain while drawing blood........yeah
Got bloodwork done today so I'm glad it's done. I listened to music and sang along while getting it done...the lady got a kick out of it I guess heh. Do they really need that much of my blood for a mere sample, rather do they really need three vials of it? You know I always assumed when they test for one thing that they need one vial...what do they do with the other two....drink it? Maybe that's it:I've uncovered the secret uh-oh Doctors you better run *dons vampire fighting gear* *does cheesy series of poorly done karate moves*
I think they may have tweaked my brain while drawing blood........yeah
Just ask Jess. She has met me in person. Didn't listen to music around her though.
BTW She is so very nice in person. She's pretty on the inside too.
I only have Machine & Shadow Zone by Static-X. But I hope to add more to my collection soon.
Calgary is it?
How did the Stampeed do last year?
Winnepeg was always a good game too.
I haven't seen a game in years now. My old cable company disappeared years ago.
I used to get the BBC, CBC and a channel from Japan.
I so got into Sumo wrestling. I know. Ultra Weird.
Sounds like the S-dome perk was a good one.
(I'm now green with envy.)
You sound way cool.