Hello everyone.
Please enlighten me...
I think I am an indigo child because one day I changed and suddenly I could feel energy more strongly, and almost read people's minds but more often than not I would be wrong. More than that, i am much more sensitive to energy, and this is because I have been following Teal Swan's teachings for awhile, and really began to sit with my negative emotions instead of avoid them with positivity.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Teal Swan and her form of teaching, she is a spiritual teacher on Youtube who guides people into higher states of being who are willing to experience them.
One day, after my senior reception dance, I got high with my friends. Not an unusual occurance ;) but this time was different. I chose to face the negative emotions that came up as a result of the shift in consciousness due to the weed.
The effect was astonishing and abrupt, I felt like I was purging my body of dark energy.
After that moment, I did not look at the world quite the same way.
I could really connect with children more than ever before... and people started to call me weird, but also I began almost to "see right through" people. More often than not, though, it was just me projecting something onto them, and then me trying to get them to believe that I could read them.
Because of these extreme emotions that I was feeling, and also because my mom and two friends passed away only a few years ago, this was a very extreme change for me.
I was scheduled to go to Berklee College of Music in September...
I started there, and only after 5 days, I was sent home for the semester because I was showing them my dark side... the greif... they were worried about my mental health.
Currently I am planning on going back to Berklee, and living out my dreams as a dancer/musician.
So I ask the community...
What do you think an indigo child is, and do you think you are one?
If so, please connect with me, and others who are like you. It is ok to be sensitive and different. It's hard for me sometimes to accept that.
Also, the things I do every day to help me be my best version, is meditate every morning, and write a full page of things I am grateful for before I go to bed each night. I was so surprised how fast things I wanted started to manifest into my life, while things I don't want are beginning and continuing to phase out of my life.
I felt a strong connection to suicide girls I think because of this change.
I see a lot of you on here are free spirits like myself.
Something I would like to share with you all, is that it is ok to express all of your emotion. People may not like you, and you may even freak some people out like I did. But the more you express yourself, the more your real friends will stick by you, and the more you will come into a greater place of self love.
I still need help, basically all I need right now is to talk to some other indigo children, rainbows, whatever you wanna call ourselves so i can feel stronger in my truth.