Returned from Montreal yesterday (trying not to be so secretive!) and fell asleep until now. Montreal is always brilliant and the food is to die for
LoL about Alyk's recent post...
'Well kittens, as of 20 minutes ago, finals are officially over and summer has started...Thank you to liger, evilone999999, canti78, OlMuckyTerrahawk, and ibidid for the words of encouragement and sweet emails...You kittens kick so much ass...
To celebrate, we are going to get high on peyote and have an orgy at the loft at 5 pm tonight...numbers will be bringing the maori tribesmen and sherpas...Be there, yo...'
must I get endure Heathrow again so soon? Whatever it takes though, to celebrate her completion.
Right...and, err, the Peyote and sex certainly not as important, but still fun
Anyone know about Peyote; how much should I smoke?

LoL about Alyk's recent post...
'Well kittens, as of 20 minutes ago, finals are officially over and summer has started...Thank you to liger, evilone999999, canti78, OlMuckyTerrahawk, and ibidid for the words of encouragement and sweet emails...You kittens kick so much ass...
To celebrate, we are going to get high on peyote and have an orgy at the loft at 5 pm tonight...numbers will be bringing the maori tribesmen and sherpas...Be there, yo...'
must I get endure Heathrow again so soon? Whatever it takes though, to celebrate her completion.
Right...and, err, the Peyote and sex certainly not as important, but still fun

Anyone know about Peyote; how much should I smoke?